The first contacts already today and the meetings of the party delegations, one by one, immediately afterwards. In a hurry Giuseppe Conte to start the verification of the majority requested aloud by P.S ed Italy Long Live. Except the latter has raised his tone considerably by threatening the government crisis, provoking the irritation of the dem and the raising of the shields of the M5S. The first to react was the head of the Grillino delegation, Alfonso Bonafede, who calls Renzi “irresponsible.”
He is followed by the secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, but with very different tones, urging “unanimity”, but clearly distances himself from Renzi, warning that a government crisis would lead not to a new executive but to a vote. Sergio Mattarella’s invitation “to seriousness and unity” speaks volumes about the concern of the Head of State for the wear and tear of the majority, although the need for greater incisiveness in government action has been felt for a long time in Colle. Conte’s format for “checking the program,” as defined by Undersecretary Andrea Orlando, provides for separate meetings with group leaders and then a joint meeting. A way to try to keep the verification in an institutional context as much as possible and perhaps avoid the face-to-face with Renzi, who will present the recovery resource allocation plan on Monday. After the barrage of the governance project proposed by Conte, who does not want to give up the control room, we start again from the spending items in which we intend to commit the 209,000 million.
The prime minister’s goal is to recover the bad impression he left yesterday in Brussels by dismissing a programmatic document of the Council of Ministers that expresses the will of the majority, although it will later be the subject of meetings with the social partners and a confrontation in Parliament. The units of the mission, no longer the commissioners, and who and how the implementation of the projects will follow, therefore, will be discussed only later. Yet tensions over the EU’s next-generation plans come after long months of mounting internal controversy over slow and swampy government action, with Democrats as critical as Renzians for the many nodes postponed for months. “In the next few days – Conte said from Brussels – we will discuss with individual political forces and then collectively. We will try to understand what basis these criticisms have and what instances they represent.
That is, the prime minister intends to understand whether the problem is him or the differences in the government program. On the other hand, he knows the chapters on which the dem has been pressing for months, while he suspects that Iv especially wants his scalp or that they both intend to place two alternate premieres for him because there is no “Gianni Letta mediator” at Palazzo Chigi. , evoked by the Orlando dem, but “we resorted to communication.”
Conte’s fear is that the verification could end with a kind of “shuffling” that, however, for some time the prime minister has no longer labeled “old politics.” But if the parties want to change a minister or have new deputies “they must ask for it in a transparent way,” says Conte, also looking suspiciously at his chancellor.
Last updated: 08:03