Contagions, another 24 cases in the province. Two hospitalizations


Campogalliano (2), Carpi (3), Castelfranco (6), Modena (6), Sassuolo (4) and three residents outside the province. Here are located the new cases of positivity to Covid, 24 in total, found in the last hours in our territory, for a total that amounts to 4,784. The Ausl report reports that two of the new patients are in the hospital, while all the others are in home isolation. The symptomatic ones are 7.

Of the 24 new positives, 3 returned from abroad (one from the Dominican Republic, 2 from France), 4 from other Italian regions (one from Sardinia and 3 from Puglia). Thirteen are contacts of known cases (linked to different outbreaks), 2 sporadic cases in which the epidemiological link has not yet been identified; finally, 2 people tested positive.

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15 new patients recovered with two negative swabs and 13 clinically recovered are added. To date, 3,894 people have been clinically cured, of which 3803 with a double negative swab. Active cases continue to grow, but for days even the cures have regained vigor, making the gap less wide.
