Contagion today Tuscany, Covid newsletter February 26. The data – Chronicle


Florence, February 26, 2021 – Covid Tuscany, I’m 1,254 positives more than yesterday (1,219 confirmed with molecular swab and 35 by rapid antigen test). The average age of the newly infected is about 41 years (19% are under 20, 22% between 20 and 39, 35% between 40 and 59, 19% between 60 and 79, 5% are 80 years or more).

The healings

Growth cured at 0.4% and reach 132,523 (86% of all cases).

And tampons

Today they were executed 14,130 Molecular Swabs and 8,898 Rapid Antigenic Swabsof these, 5.4% tested positive. I am instead 11,800 subjects tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular buffer, excluding control buffers), of which 10.6% were positive.

Hospitalization and intensive care

People hospitalized in beds dedicated to Covid patients today are a total of 1,007 (5 less than yesterday, less 0.5%), 163 in intensive care (4 more than yesterday, plus 2.5%).

The deaths

Today there are 22 new deaths: 15 men and 7 women with an average age of 75.8 years. Regarding the province of residence, the deceased are: 7 in Florence, 5 in Prato, 3 in Pistoia, 2 in Lucca, 2 in Pisa, 2 in Livorno, 1 in Arezzo

The contagion map

There are 42,336 total cases to date in Florence (328 more than yesterday), 12,951 in Prato (110 more), 13,909 in Pistoia (177 more), 9,646 in Massa (80 more), 15,773 in Lucca (144 more), 20,006 in Pisa (106 more), 11,871 in Livorno (57 more), 13,894 in Arezzo (101 more), 7,966 in Siena (99 more), 5,134 in Grosseto (52 more). 555 positive cases were reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. There are 647 cases found today in the Central Local Health Authority, 361 in the Northwest, 252 in the Southeast.

Some facts about the vaccination campaign

The anti-Covid vaccination campaign began on December 27, 2020. At 12 noon today, a total of 285,067 vaccinations have been carried out, 10,430 more than yesterday (+ 3.8%), taking into account that the companies of the System Regional Health continue throughout the day. Tuscany is the third region by% of administered doses of those delivered (89.1% of 319,980 delivered), for a vaccination rate of 7,657 per 100,000 inhabitants (Italian average: 6,558 per 100,000).
