contagion to a minimum, stores reopen


In the last 24 hours in Spain only 356 cases of Covid-19 against 838 were registered the previous day and 1147 on May 2. These are data that must be taken with caution because, he warns The country, during the weekend the number of newly infected people can be underestimated. However, the slowdown is evident even if we consider a longer period of time: already on April 28 of last year there were 1,308 cases of Coronavirus (the same day in Italy the new positives had been 2,091). On April 29, the number of positive swabs started to grow again (2,144) and then recorded a further significant drop in the following two days (chart below).

Even the number of deaths It has steadily declined with 164 victims in the past two days. In summary, the epidemic seems to slow down faster than in our country where, according to the Civil Protection bulletins, 1,221 cases of Covid were registered on Monday, May 4, against 1,389 the previous day.

And to say that already on April 13, the Spanish government had decided to first relax the restrictive measures with the reopening of some factories, offices and construction sites. The real “phase two”, what they really call Madrid “phase zero”, begins today. The plan developed by the government. Sanchez It is divided into four phases, the first of which will only last a week. In the next seven days it will still be forbidden to meet friends and family, but in other ways, compared to our country, Spain is accelerating the pace.

In Spain, the first stores are opened

Starting this morning, stores will reopen with an area of ​​less than 400 square meters, where you can only enter by appointment. Hairdressing blinds, beauty centers, bookstores, and small retail stores have opened their doors. traffic light orange for bars and restaurants that can only do it food delivery service or home delivery. The use of protection devices has been made compulsory on public transport, while on private transport it is mandatory only in the presence of people who do not live together. The government has promised to distribute 14 million masks to Spanish citizens, of which six are directly to bus, tram and metro users.

Bars and restaurants, with green light “phase 1” for outdoor tables

During “phase 1”, which will begin on May 11, unless there are doubts, it will be possible to meet friends, family and even form “small groups”, a freedom that, according to the newspaper ‘La Vanguardia’, is not It will allow people “vulnerable” or with previous pathologies. The prohibition on moving to second homes or leaving your region of residence will continue. On the other hand, bars and restaurants that have outdoor terraces will be able to start receiving customers as long as they use only a third of the tables.

The plan developed by the Sánchez government will go hand in hand with the evolution of infections and it will take into account the differences between the different Spanish territories (for example, “phase 1” is already a reality in three Canary islands and in Formentera). Another difference with Italy is that in Madrid and in the rest of Spain there may be particular restrictions depending on the age or health of citizens.

The beaches open only from June 8.

Phase two will take effect on May 25 and will last another two weeks: the most important novelty is that bars and restaurants will also be able to open internal rooms as long as a rigid social distancing is observed. It will be possible to attend exhibitions and cultural events, both indoors and outdoors: indoors there should be no more than 50 people, outdoors the maximum limit will be 400. Only with “phase 3”, from June 8 onwards , it will be possible to attend the beaches even if the executive led by Sánchez has not yet decided what precautions to take in these places.

Starting June 8, movements between different regions will finally be more flexible: “Il governmentExplain El Mundo – wants to avoid repeating what happened at the beginning of the epidemic when movements from one community to another helped spread the virus throughout Spain. “

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The differences with Italy.

In summary, the Spanish approach seems in part different from that stated by the Italian government: there will be differences between the different territories and the age and health of citizens will be taken into account. In addition, Sánchez has decided to be very strict on travel between regions. On the other hand, bars, restaurants and commercial activities will reopen their doors before in our country. Of course, the road is long (and difficult) for everyone: Madrid plans to return to a kind of “new normal” at the end of June, at best.
