“Contagion that lasts 30 months, the risk is depression” – Libero Quotidiano


Still positive in coronavirus 24 days after the first test. In case of Silvio Berlusconi It is not isolated, and it rekindles attention to the thousands of infected people who cannot get out of the Covid tunnel after weeks, if not months, of suffering. And whose greatest health risk, in addition to the legal pneumonia, is depression. “The Berlusconi – explains to the National newspaper Teacher Massimo clementi, director of the San Raffaele virology laboratory where the leader of Go Italy – it is a very low positivity, at borderline levels, and does not require therapy: it is totally asymptomatic, maybe a little downcast of having to remain isolated. But it happens. ”“ I suffered a lot and I continue to suffer – confessed the Cav -. I’m still tired, exhausted. “

It is still positive.  Coronavirus, the endless drama of Silvio Berlusconi: a month later ...

On the eve of his 84th birthday, it is a bitter birthday: no party, not even a friend. You will make up for it with work, which will keep you physically and mentally busy. But it is tough. According to a study published by the BMJ Open magazine and carried out by the local health authority-Irccs of Reggio Emilia, also relaunched by QN, “in 4,538 people analyzed, the positivity of the coronavirus lasts an average of 30 days” and causes a “high stress, which in many cases puts the psychological well-being of those infected at risk Claudio mencacci, President of the Italian Society of Neuropsychopharmacology (Sinpf): “The symptoms of depression have increased fivefold in our country, the moderate ones have almost quadrupled and the most serious ones have multiplied by seven and a half. In Italy they are estimated up to 150 thousand almost more depression. “
