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The General Directorate of Welfare of the Lombardy Region has sent a note to all Ats and Asst with new indications on the duration of isolation and quarantine of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and close contacts, as well as the use of diagnostic tests. The communication was necessary following the information entered in the circular sent to the Regions by the Ministry of Health on October 12.
ISOLATIONS / QUARANTS AND READMISSION TO THE COMMUNITY – For asymptomatic positive cases an isolation of 10 days frombuffer run, which will end with the negative result of the molecular test carried out from day 10. For symptomatic cases, the 10 days of isolation are calculated from the onset of symptoms: if it is vague and difficult to locate for a period of time, reference is made to the date of the positive swab. The isolation ends with the negative result of the molecular test from the tenth day, with at least the last 3 days before the swab without symptoms.
CLOSE CONTACTS – For close to symptomatic or asymptomatic contacts, a 10-day quarantine is always required from the last contact. Re-entry to the community is allowed after a negative rapid antigenic or molecular swab from day 10, always after the disappearance of any symptoms.
USE OF ANTIGENIC TESTS – The person awaiting the antigen test result should be quarantined and, in case of a positive epidemiological link, the suspicion / contact is considered “confirmed”.
OTHER INDICATIONS – For the symptomatic patient who arrives at the emergency room but is evaluated as not deserving of hospitalization and with a negative result rapid antigenic swab a molecular swab is required before being sent home for follow-up or evaluation by the treating physician. Pending confirmation of molecular negativity, fiduciary isolation is indicated. The patient with a positive rapid antigenic swab result and epidemiological link, who arrives at the emergency room and is evaluated as deserving of hospitalization, does not require confirmation with a molecular swab.
DEFINITION OF THE TERM «CONTACT» – A contact from a case COVID-19 It is any person exposed to a probable or confirmed case of Covid-19 within a period of time that goes from 48 hours before the onset of symptoms until the moment of diagnosis and isolation of the case. If the case does not present symptoms, contact is defined as the person who has had contact with the index case in a period of time ranging from 48 hours prior to taking the sample that led to confirmation and up to the time of diagnosis. and isolation. of the case.
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