No leaders and probably no names yet. TO Montecitorio the second round of consultations convened by Roberto fico. In the Sala della Lupa, shortly after 9.30, the meeting of work table which aims to reach a legislature pact to clear the way to him Count on having. A participant in the meeting 15 people: In addition to Fico, the M5 group leaders Davide crippa ed Ettore Licheri, those of the Pd Graziano Delrio me Andrea Marcucci, for Italy alive Maria Elena Boschi me Davide faraone, free and equal Federico Fornaro me Loredana De Petris, for ‘pro-European senators – MAIE – Senate Democratic Center’ Raffaele fantetti me Maurizio Buccarella, by the Parliamentary Group ‘For the Autonomies’ of the Senate Albert laniece me Gianclaudio Bressa, by CD-Maie Bruno tabacci ed Antonio Tasso. A huge table has been set up in the room to ensure distance between those present. Having received from the Head of State theexploratory assignment, Fico’s task is to try getting closer the various political forces to repair the government alliance formed by P.S, M5, Leu and Italy alive. A route that given the maximum date of Tuesday, when you will have to return to Colle to present yourself Sergio Mattarella their conclusions – it still seems full of mines. the unknowns there are many: from the points to include in the shared program to the name of the prime minister.
Between Saturday and Sunday the majority squared around the name of Giuseppe Conte. From P.S ai 5 stars a Leu, going through the smaller groups – Europeanists, Democratic Center, AutonomyThey all say the same thing: ok for the political government, it is fine to sign a legislative pact, but Conte must lead the government. Matteo renziHowever, he continues to play with his covered cards: he asked first to make a programmatic agreement and only later to speak of names. The fear is that only after having found the square in the themes, the Italy’s living leader can veto Conte: in that case the others will go through those who have blown up the table. Bruno tabacci Watch the bluff and declares: “The program must be defined with Conte when commissioned, not before, it doesn’t work like that.” It supports Loredana De Petris, leader of the Mixed Media in the Senate and member of Leu: “When we begin to discuss issues, at the same time we must put the Count’s name on the table. We have told President Fico and we will tell the other political forces tomorrow: the program cannot be separated from the name of those who will have to implement it. And that someone is Conte ”. The senator for Leu specifies it because the rumors about today Mario draghi They have become news stories, with the Gedi group newspapers even talking about phone calls from Mattarella to pre-alert the former ECB president. the Quirinal he was forced to intervene to categorically deny a news defined as “unfounded”. Draghi, on the other hand, is silent.
The Renzianos also pretend to remain silent on the subject: announcing the presence at the Maria Elena Boschi me Davide faraone – respectively group leader in the House and Senate – let it be known that Italy lives still does not intend to discuss the post of prime minister. On the other hand, if it is true, like the malicious hypothesis, that Renzi intends to play the card from the veto to Conte After you’ve come to terms with the other parts of the show, it is inevitable that that joker will want to leave you personally. The living leader of Italy will not be seen in the Chamber, as well as Nicola Zingaretti (for the Democratic Party the leaders of the group Graziano Delrio me Andrea Marcucci and Undersecretary Andreo Orlando) and neither Vito Crimi (Davide Crippa and Ettore Licheri will represent the 5 stars). Since there are no leaders, Conte is unlikely to remain at Palazzo Chigi de Montecitorio. On the table, in fact, there will be “only” the points that will be included in the program. Not that they are less important: it will be necessary to understand what conditions, if any, the Renzians will impose on Me, in Justice, about him Basic income. The road to Conte ter is not only full of mines: it is also very narrow.
09.45 – The work table begins in Montecitorio
The meeting of the working table called by the president of the Chamber Roberto Fico, as part of the consultations, begins in the Sala della Lupa di Montecitorio. About fifteen people will participate in the meeting, which will be presented by Fico: the M5S group leaders Davide Crippa and Ettore Licheri, those of Pd Graziano Delrio and Andrea Marcucci, for Italy Long live the group leaders Maria Elena Boschi and Davide Faraone, for Liberi e Equal Federico Fornaro and Loredana De Petris, for ‘Europeanists – MAIE – Senators of the Democratic Center of the Senate Raffaele Fantetti and Maurizio Buccarella, for the parliamentary group’ For the Autonomies of the Senate Albert Laniece and Gianclaudio Bressa, by CD-Maie Bruno Tabacci and Antonio Rate. A huge table has been set up in the room to ensure distance between those present.
09.40 – Fassina (LeU): “Iv voice of the establishment, wants to change the axis towards strong interests”
“Changing the axis of the government towards stronger interests is in my opinion unacceptable. Italia viva has interpreted a predominant sentiment largely in the establishment and seeks to change the axis of the government towards stronger interests. Conte is not Che Guevara, the Giallorossi government was not revolutionary, but it paid more attention to a series of social interests that were very marginal. The important thing is that it is clear that the point is not the slides of the Recovery Plan, the political point is the interpretation of an Italy alive with very strong interests that want to be protagonists once again in a fundamental step ”. This was said by the deputy from Leu, Stefano Fassina, in the program “Italy has awakened” on Radio Cusano Campus.
09.34 – Fassina (LeU): “Conte must be involved in the program table”
“I am concerned that yesterday a discussion about the program began, without who will then have to manage it personally, which is the premiere. I believe that today this point must be resolved, Giuseppe Conte must be involved in the program table because according to the indications of all the majority parliamentary groups, except Italia viva, Conte is the indicated prime minister ”. This was said by the deputy from Leu, Stefano Fassina, in the program “Italy has awakened” on Radio Cusano Campus.
25.09 – Tajani: “Yes to the government of the best”
“The proposal that Forza Italia likes the most is that of a government of the best. That is what we have proposed, but the left has always said no until now ”. Antonio Tajani, vice president of Forza Italia, says this, interviewed in Omnibus, in La7. “The alternative, if the left does not want to, is only the vote,” he adds. “If a government is a photocopy of the previous one, it is a mockery of Italians,” says Tajani. This week we will present the Forza Italia vaccine plan that comes after our proposal for the Recovery plan ”.
09.10 – Salvini: “Compact center right, difficult government with the Democratic Party”
“We as a League and the center-right are compact, we are making proposals. We told Mattarella, ‘no matter what happens, we vote in Parliament what the government brings: the reinstatement of bars and restaurants, the scrapping of cédulas, vaccines’ ”but“ I think it is difficult to go to government with that Pd that canceled the security decree, which wants to cancel Quota 100. How can I be with those who have a totally different vision of the world from mine? This was stated by the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, invited in ‘Buongiorno Lombardia’ in Telelombardia.
8.40 – Zanda (Pd): “Good Conte-ter, but if the government fails with high profile personalities”
“Today both Pd and M5S are betting everything on a Conte-ter and do not speculate on a possible failure. However, it seems certain to me that, in any circumstance, early political elections should be avoided and Italy will need a strongly pro-European political solution with a government formed and chaired by a high profile personality and a strong majority ”. Thus, Senator Pd Luigi Zanda, former treasurer and former leader of the dem group, interviewed by La Repubblica.
8.20 – Serracchiani (Pd): “Renzi, stop the tactic. Three parties find a summary point in Conte “
“The best way is to play the cards face up. Meanwhile, there remains the clarity of three major parties that identify the point of synthesis and balance in Conte. As Iv said that the subject was not the names but the contents, let’s work on the contents. After this work, we hope that Iv also converges on what is a summary of the majority. I don’t think we can continue on the basis of tactic alone. I hope that President Renzi also understands that it cannot be done ”. This was stated to the press by the vice president of the Democratic Party, Debora Serracchiani.