“Conspiracy theorist”, “Never, neither schizophrenic nor confused” – Libero Quotidiano


A tight question and an answer that between Selvaggia Lucarelli and Mayor Luigi De Magistris in the studies of Clean slate in La7. Speaking of masks, the journalist reminded the mayor of his often inconsistent behavior on the subject: “The first to have challenged an order from De Luca requiring the use of outdoor masks was the mayor of Naples De Magistris. He ventured to say that not only outdoor masks, if you are alone, they are useless but he even said they are not good for health and this is a very popular theory among conspiracy theorists and deniers. “The mayor has rejected these accusations, denying that he made such claims. But Lucarelli continued to attack him:” I have the impression that De Magistris’ views do not modulate in the Covid trend, but on the trend of De Luca’s opinions “. And again: “De Magistris during the regional meetings said that De Luca minimized the problem because already in June it was learned that Campania was in a very serious situation. So why did De Magistris criticize the governor’s orders one by one? the one who closed the premises at 11pm, He called them sfogliatelle. He said stadiums should be opened and 13,000 subscribers sent to Napoli there Does De Magistris remember all these things or not?“.

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The mayor of Naples replied: “I do not understand this accusation but I gladly defend myself.” On the side of the masks, De Magistris justified himself by saying that he has never underestimated their importance and obligation, only saying that they are not necessary. “when one walks alone at night, at 4 in the morning”. However, regarding the ordinances of the president of Campania, the mayor responded: “I have criticized many of De Luca’s ordinances not only publicly but in all institutional settings. If you look at the trend of contagion in our region after In mid-August there was a significant increase and the president, in full electoral campaign, we are talking about the beginning of September, he said the situation was under control. ” Only after the election campaign, says the mayor, were the necessary measures taken to contain the epidemic. And finally: “I think I have always had a constant behavior, criticizable or not, but I’m not schizophrenic or confused. ”
