Trial of Tiziano Renzi for illicit influence peddling me auction interruption. This is the request made by Rome prosecutor, who wants the accusation of the father of the former prime minister and 11 other people involved in one of the threads of the maxi-investigation of the case Consip. Prosecutors have also requested the trial of Denis Verdini, for the entrepreneur Alfredo Romeo and by former MP Italo Bocchino.
The twelve process requests: For the former senator of Go Italy, in jail for several weeks after a final bankruptcy conviction, is contested auction interruption me concussion. Against Romeo the deputy prosecutor Paolo Ielo and the substitute Mario Palazzi They challenge illicit influence peddling, corruption and disruption of auctions, while for Bocchino the charges are of illicit influence, disruption of auctions and tax crimes. The magistrates of piazzale Clodio have also requested the trial for the businessman Carlo Russo, friend of Tiziano Renzi, for interruption of the auction and extortion, by the former general director of Grandi stations, Silvio Gizzi, accused of interruption of the auction, by the former general director of Consip Domenico Casalino, with the hypothesis of illegal influence peddling and the interruption of auctions, and to Francesco Licci for illicit influence peddling. Finally, he asked for the accusation of the former Ala (the party founded by Verdini to support the Renzi government) Ignazio Abbrignani accused auction interruption and concussion. Same complaints for the entrepreneur Ezio Bigotti.
Investigations reopened by order of the gup – Most of the accusations refer essentially to two tenders announced between 2015 and 2016 by the public administration contracting center: Fm4 worth 2.7 billion and a few tens of millions for cleaning services. Last February, the investigating judge had requested new investigations. Gaspare sturzo that had partially rejected file request advanced by the Prosecutor’s Office. Requesting new investigations into Renzi, the investigating judge had also requested the entry in the registry of Verdini, Abbrignani and the entrepreneur Bigotti. All three ended up under investigation by the alleged disturbance of the career Consip Fm4. The investigating judge also requested to investigate the alleged pressure on Luigi Marroni, at the time managing director of the procurement centrals of the public administration. On October 7, the suspects were notified of the notice of closure of the investigations, an act that usually preludes the request for indictment: it was.
The disputes contained in the notice of conclusion of the investigation: In the notice of conclusion of the investigations it was read and that Romeo, Bocchino, Renzi, Ricci and Casalino are being investigated by influence peddling in competition because “Russo (for which we proceed separately), acted in accordance with Tiziano Renzi, exploit the existing relationships with Marroni, also obtained through the crime competitor Renzi, as the price of his illicit mediation, consisting of instigating Marroni to carry out acts against the office itself, consisting of intervening in the awarding commission of the FM4 tender, and in particular to President Licci, also through Casalino, for facilitate Romeo Gestioni, through raising the technical score in the ongoing technical evaluation phase of projects. In return, according to the indictment, it was given to him by “Romeo, who acted in accordance with Bocchino, the benefits consisted of signing of an employment contract in favor of Martella Monia (ed not investigated), sister of her partner Martella Serafina (ed not investigated), numerous hospitalities in the hotels owned by the Romeo group, in addition to being engaged black money for him and for Renzi Tiziano, as well as promising to sign a consulting contract ”. The same suspects for the same events are accused of disturb the competitive procedure, that’s the batch of the FM4 race. Another dispute about the influence peddling to Romeo, Bocchino and Renzi was related to the fact that the three “exploiting the existing relations with Gizzi – Chairman of the tender commission convened by that cleaning service company, in which Romeo gestioni also participated – relationships also obtained through Gentile Maurizio, CEO of Rfi, in turn requested by Renzi Tiziano – as the price of his illicit mediation, consisting of convincing Gizzi to favor Romeo’s management, he made Romeo promise benefits consisting of periodic sums of money ”. The prosecution is also linked to this prosecution. auction interruption since Russo, Romeo, Bocchino, Gizzi and Renzi “compete with each other, through collusion consisting of agreements, I wanted a condition the tender for cleaning services, favoring the reasons of the participant Romeo gestioni in the examination of anomalies in the offer and in the clarification request phase ”.
The accusations against Verdini – The interruption of the auction to Verdini, Abbrignani, Bigotti and Romeo was summarized as follows in the notice of conclusion of the investigation: “On behalf of Cofely, disturbed the Consip FM4 tender still in the bid evaluation phase (which this company would have seen first in the ranking of lot 10), offering an agreement to Romeo Alfredo who is competing in the same tender also for the same lot to take over Conversion & Lighting srl, controlled by Bigotti, which would have allowed Romeo to obtain a 30% of assigned work to Cofely as part of the aforementioned lot. “Verdini’s extortion is disputed because” at the time supporter of the majority of the government“, That is, the one directed by Matteo renzi, “And as such capable of requesting, within the framework of policies related to appointments to public bodies by the government, the confirmation or not, as well as the appointment or not, of people considered faithful to their positions, forced Marroni – CEO of Consip, a public company whose senior management are appointed by the government– to provide Bigotti with the utility of knowing and listening to him interested in knowing confidential news about the FM4 tender and in requesting a less resistance from Consip in pending disputes with the companies referred to Bigotti himself. Abbrignani is charged with the same crime, “on the recommendation of Verdini, he had previously met with Marroni, whom he had pressured, in favor of the Cofely company participating in the FM4 tender and in relation to the Bigotti companies, for the transfer of lot 10 , which Verdini’s reference to this meeting followed and how Abbrignani had informed him that Marroni himself “I was doing a good job“, Showing his satisfaction to have favored him by more prestigious appointments“.
Threats to the former CEO of Consip – Finally, the extortion contested against Russo is linked to the “threats against Marroni consisted in representing him that, in the event that he had not illegally intervened in the FM4 tender commission, in order to have a Highest technical score for the offer submitted by Romeo’s management spa, headed by Romeo Alfredo (an end that he had promised to obtain against the promise made by Romeo Alfredo of undue utility), would be Renzi Tiziano and Verdini Denis speak, people who, by function, relationships and function could let Consip fire him, put in place suitable acts, directed unequivocally, to force him to carry out the referred illicit intervention, failing that due to the resistance of Marroni himself ”. Now the suspects have twenty days to submit reports, present documents or ask to be questioned.