Replacement of teachers and ATA 2020/21 course: report of the videoconference meeting between unions and the Ministry for information on the annual circular on fixed-term positions.
Here are some previews of what will be included in the final draft of the circular, which is expected shortly.
Resignation or absence of the call
“The resignation or absence of the call – writes the CISL – implies the loss of the possibility of obtaining other substitutes based on the GAE and the GPS according to the ranking affected by the call of the relative teaching
(Example: the teacher summoned by GAE common place retains the possibility of stipulating the contract based on the GPS for the same common place. A call for the same ranking by common place).
The resignation to the lists of EAG for support allows the acceptance of an appointment by the same EAG for common position.
Primary substitutes place the English language
Substitutions in an English language place for primary school can be awarded to teachers who possess one of the qualifications indicated in paragraph 17 of article 13 of OM 60/2020 which will be verified by the service school.
MAD Request for availability
The CGIL anticipates L “It is foreseen that the MAD can be sent only to teachers who are not included in the provincial ranking or in the school one.”
ITP appeal
“For the serial appeal related to ITP – writes the FLCGIL – it is expected that in case of a negative result of the dispute, methods will be indicated to ensure that the exclusion of GPS band 1 is followed by inclusion in band 2 GPS, and in the same way for the classifications of the schools “.
Organic covid
He confirmed that these additional seats will be temporary replacements, for which schools will be based on school rankings, with contract termination in the event of closure.
Confirm teachers with three years of service
UIL requests to extend the contract for temporary substitute teachers with at least three years of service and teachers with specialization in support for the next school year.