Consent form for the Covid19 vaccine –


Belgium’s first van crossed the Italian border at Brenner on Friday morning. These are the first 9,750 doses of anti-Covid vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech destined for Italy. Escorted by the carabinieri, he arrived at the Spallanzani hospital in Rome. A symbolic path of hope, which will lead – as emergency commissioner Domenico Arcuri said – to «vaccinate all Italians who wish“Before being vaccinated, those interested must read and sign the consent form found on this page.

On Saturday, the Aifa – Italian drug agency – has published on its website the “instructions for use” of the vaccine against Covid-19 prepared by Pfizer and BioNTech, called Corminaty. The Aifa website contains the answers to the most common questions about this preparation (you can find them explained here). The vaccine is intended to ‘people 16 years or older“,” Does not contain viruses “and” cannot cause disease. “According to the National Plan, the vaccination campaign in Italy will begin with the first 1,833,975 doses of the Covid vaccine to be distributed by Pfizer. The second supply guaranteed by Pfizer will be 2,507,700 doses, which will allow in the coming weeks to administer the second dose to the priority categories, as well as initiate vaccination of the most fragile population.

While the health authorities, and the US pharmaceutical company itself, continue research on allergic reactions For the vaccine, the first results would point to a substance that could be at the base of these reactions developed by some subjects after the administration of the vaccine. This would be the compound of ‘polyethylene glycol’, also known as PEG. The compound is found in shampoos, toothpastes. and countless other products. Some people may be more susceptible because they have high levels of antibodies to PEG.

December 26, 2020 (change December 26, 2020 | 19:38)

