December 21 has long been a harbinger of more or less exciting expectations in the astronomical field. If in 2012, fortunately for the Earth, the prophecy of the Mayans was not fulfilled, tonight the Great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, a phenomenon that occurs every 400 years. To see it, just look to the southwest shortly after sunset, in the time interval between the 17th and the 19th. The two planets will appear quite low, not far from the horizon line, so it is recommended to go to a high place with a wide field of vision.
What is the great conjunction?
A simple conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn is a less rare event, approximately every 20 years. by Great conjunction, which will be possible to observe in the sky tonight, means instead the apparent alignment of the two planets, almost as if they were touching. In this sense, a clarification is necessary: the real distance is abnormal, about 800 million kilometers, but the optical illusion visible from the Earth, a kind of two-dimensional figures on a plane represented by the celestial vault, will allow us to savor “the embrace “between Jupiter and Saturn for the first time since 1623.
The Magi, Jesus and … the Great Conjunction
According to some hypotheses formulated by the scientific community in the astronomical field, it would be precisely the Great Conjunction at the base of the legend of Kite, described in the Gospel of Matthew, who guided me Re Magi towards the cabin of baby jesus. To corroborate this thesis, favored by the impossibility from a historical point of view to date exactly the birth of Christ, the “union” of Jupiter and Saturn would take place in the year 7 a. C.