It is a completely exceptional astronomical event, not visible to the naked eye for 800 years. Here’s the long-awaited conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in transmission
Today an unmissable event takes place: Jupiter me Saturn they will be admired very close in our skies, reaching less than a tenth of a degree (about a fifth of the apparent diameter of the full Moon). A closeness which could make them look like a only astro, and that is precisely why it has been renamed the Christmas star 2020. Starting at 16:30 you can see the live broadcast of the Jupiter Saturn conjunction of the virtual telescope above.
But if you want to see him live, the same day as him Winter Solstice, just go to a dark place. It will be a unique opportunity, given that another conjunction so close between Jupiter me Saturn will only occur in the 2417. As the Italian Union of Amateur Astronomers (Uai) says, it will be enough to look at West, immediately after sunset, approximately between five pm and the 19:00. But you can also take advantage of the Lowell Observatory live stream, starting at 1am on December 22.
The two giants, in fact, will be very low on the horizon, in the constellation of Capricorn, and we must hurry before they get too. No special tools will be needed, but they are obviously welcome. telescopes me binoculars. With the latter, in fact, it will be possible to easily distinguish Jupiter, brighter, and Saturn. With telescopes, however, you may even be able to observe Moon of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn. If time was not on our side, many have organized so as not to miss the event. live broadcast: among these, for example, also that of the Lowell Observatory in Arizona, inserted above.
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