Congo, the Italian ambassador and a carabiniere killed in an attack


Failed kidnapping attempt? – La Farnesina confirms with deep regret the death, in Goma, of the Italian ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Luca Attanasio, and of a Carabinieri soldier. The Italian ambassador was shot during the attack on the UN convoy he was traveling with and died “from his injuries.” Among the first hypotheses is that of a failed kidnapping by strangers. The attack took place around 10 am (9 am Italian time) near the city of Kanyamahoro. There are many armed groups operating in the area of ​​the Virunga Mountains, between the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda, and they often attack the rangers of the park, famous for its mountain gorillas.

Vittorio Iacovacci the carabiniere killed – Vittorio Iacovacci was the name of the carabiniere killed in the attack in the Congo. Iacovacci was 30 years old and had been in service with the Italian embassy since September 2020. Iacovacci was originally from Sonnino, in the province of Latina and was a member of the 13th Carabinieri Regiment ‘Friuli Venezia Giulia’ based in Gorizia. He had also served at the Folgore.

“Being an ambassador is dangerous but you have to set an example” – The ambassador’s mission is a mission, sometimes even dangerous, but we have a duty to lead by example ”. These were the words that Ambassador Luca Attanasio spoke in Camerota (Salerno) on October 12, on the occasion of the reception of the international “Nassiriya for Peace” award, presented by the local cultural association “Elaia”. “In the Congo – Attanasio continued – words like peace, health, education, are a privilege for very few, and today the Democratic Republic of the Congo thirsts for peace, after three wars that lasted twenty years.”

The dynamics of the attack – According to initial information, the attack took place on the route between Goma and Bukavu by a terrorist commando using small arms. Investigations are still ongoing on the dynamics and motive. The ambush took place in a place called “Tres Antenas” where “two British tourists were abducted by unknown armed men on May 11, 2018”: said “the president of the civil society of the Nyiragongo territory”, Mambo Kawaya, in statements to the Congolese site

Mattarella: Italy in mourning for her servants – I received with consternation the news of the cowardly attack that a few hours ago hit an international convoy near the city of Goma, killing Ambassador Luca Attanasio, Carabiniere Vittorio Iacovacci and his driver. The Italian Republic is in mourning for these servants. State that lost its life in the fulfillment of its professional duties in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. “This is the message sent by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella to Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio.” By discrediting this treacherous act of violence, all the Italians gather in condolences around the families of the victims, to whom I wish to send the deepest condolences and the greatest solidarity, “he added.

Di Maio: we will do our best to shed light on what happened – “I learned with great consternation and immense pain of the death today of our Ambassador in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and of a soldier of the Carabinieri”, writes the Minister of
Foreigner Luigi Di Maio. “Two state servants who were violently taken from us in the line of duty. The circumstances of this brutal attack are not yet known and no effort will be spared to clarify what happened, ”the minister continued. “Today the State regrets the loss of two of its exemplary children and rallies around their families, friends and colleagues in the Farnesina and the Carabinieri,” concluded the head of the Farnesina.

Guerini: conviction for cowardly and barbaric ambush – “Today in the attack on the UN convoy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, two state servants lost their lives. A cowardly and barbaric ambush that Italy, firmly committed to the international community, strongly condemns. The families of our compatriots and of All the United Nations personnel involved express our unconditional gratitude and affection. We are close and we share the pain of the families for the loss of their loved ones. ”Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini wrote it.
