the September 1st Begin to educational activities indicated by FATHER (Individualized learning plan) and of ALSO (Learning integration plan); To confirm this, through a note sent at this time to individual schools, is the Ministry of Education.
A necessary note for deny any news published in the national press, with which it has been questioned the start of learning recovery activities since many schools are not yet ready for the start of the new school year and because there would still be no agreement on the issue of paying the teachers who will participate in these activities.
The Ministry of Education, therefore, despite “headlines suggest otherwise“, Confirms that there will be a learning recovery and will start in early September.
At the school starting September 1 for make-up activities
It must be said that in terms of learning recovery, it has been given broad autonomy to schools. The date of September 1, 2020in fact, it is only indicative: individual Institutes will decide When me come begin with the activities indicated by the PIA and the MYP.
Another variable aspect depending on each Institute is related to the modality with which the recovery courses will be carried out. For example, in some cases the lessons keep in class; for students, therefore, the doors of the school will reopen before the date indicated for the start of lessons for s. 2020-2021 (September 14). However, exclusively for high school, the aforementioned courses can still be taken with the distance education.
We remind you that, as required by the rules governing the new school year, these courses may continue for the next several months. And in the explanatory note sent to the Institutes at this time, the Ministry of Education also stressed that the one relating to the recovery of learning you are not alone a “mere formal compliance“; is a very important goal to achieveas it arises from the need to “ensure any realignment of learning”For those students who suffered the most from the difficulties experienced in the last school year.
This does not mean that the effort made by the teaching staff last year was exemplary, since it was such that it guaranteed the right to study even in a dramatic situation for the country; however, it is still necessary “recover what has inevitably been lost”.

The Ministry of Education denies the fake news about teachers
The Ministry of Education also wishes to disprove all those rumors that the teachers they would stay refusing to take remedial classes.
“Feeding the narrative of teachers’ refusal to carry out certain activities, or even to report to work as is happening these days, only creates an image of damage to the category and disturbs the peaceful start of the school year already characterized by numerous innovations due to the health emergency“; so the Ministry of Education, which has ensured that schools and teaching staff are there maximum collaboration so that the new school year can be celebrated regularly.
And regarding the need for an agreement for the remuneration of teachers who take the aforementioned courses, the Ministry of Education recalled that according to current legislation, the staff as of September 1 he’s already in school for ordinary business and therefore there is no impediment to the completion of remedial courses.