
They both pronounce the word “covenant.” First the industrial leader, Carlo Bonomi, convinced that the 208,000 million European funds that Italy will have at its disposal are the country’s last chance. Because if it doesn’t work for wrong decisions, he added bluntly to the Prime Minister. Giuseppe Conte, «Not only will she go home, but we’ll all go home». Soon after, the word “covenant” was also uttered by the Prime MinisterCertainly convinced that without the contribution of the industrialists it will be difficult to undertake the recovery and get the country out of the crisis.
The issues on the table
But finding a lowest common denominator between the ideas of Confindustria and those of the government is a much more than complex operation. Take the “big deal for Italy” proposed by Bonomi. The intention, explained the president of the industrialists, is «Maximize the role of engine for the development of the business and labor system, and give a new centrality to manufacturing.». In short, put the industry at the center. The example cited is the French one, where the government has already presented a plan worth 100 billion, 40 of which will be financed with funds from the European recovery plan and the rest with national resources. Bonomi likes that plan, because it provides three simple guidelines: one-third of the funds will go to environmental sustainability; a third to the social one with deep attention to the issues of inclusion, urban peripheries and the involvement of the social-solidarity networks of the Third Sector; and 35 billion will be allocated instead to the competitiveness of the business system, of which 25 billion for incentives to innovation and technology transfer and 10 billion for direct taxes on companies. Italy, on the other hand, has not given a good test of itself so far. About 600 projects come from the ministries. To finance them, triple the 208 billion of the Recovery plan would be needed.
In short, Bonomi would also like a French-style plan for Italy that, however, is not on the horizon. Conte also, as mentioned, uttered the word “covenant”. But it did so by relaunching the role of the public, the hand of the State that must support individuals in investments. An interventionism that from Autostrade to Alitalia, from the single network to Ilva, is viewed with distrust by industrialists. Bonomi, however, decided to see the glass as half full. Conte’s, he said,
«it was a very strong opening». Now we have to see what it will lead to. If the government takes that kind of “recovery manual” into account, a 385-page book entitled “The Courage of the Future, Italy 2030-2050”, delivered to government representatives. And if it will do so at the cost of losing some sympathy on the part of the unions, which yesterday, attacked by Bonomi for the fulfillment of the contractual agreements, were immediately put on the defensive.
The appeal to Conte
«We need options for the Italy of the future. Options also upwind. We need the courage of the future, ”continues Bonomi. And then speaking to Conte: “President, you said: ‘If I’m wrong to use the Recovery Fund, send me home. ‘ No, Mr. President. If she fails, in the few months that now separate us from defining the measures to be presented in Europe, she is not the only one going home. Let’s all go home. The damage to the country would be immense. And she warns: “We can’t afford it. It’s time for joint action, or it won’t be effective. ‘
And again: «I repeat today, Prime Minister, what I said two months ago to the States General: the task that corresponds to you is immense, no one can and should not underestimate the difficulties. Bonomi addresses Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte directly at the industrial assembly: he stresses that the country is “down from 25 years of low growth and very low productivity», and emphasizes that it is now necessary «a clear picture of some decisive priorities “,” tools and purposes to guide Italy’s economic and industrial policy». And warns: «We need a precise route to give a general meaning to the measurements, and to trace the route we need a safe harbor».
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“In the enthusiasm for the 208 million that come to us from Europe, and that are added to the Insurance and the new lines of credit of the EIB, the attention tends to fade on the certain damage to the country if the Government resigns Me health care without conditionality ”, continues Bonomi. We would not like to meet tomorrow to see that the burden of the part of the Recovery Fund received in the transfers is financed with new taxes that are only borne by companies, especially those that produce and provide employment in Europe: plastic tax, carbon tax, web tax. or whatever you want “
Last updated: 18:37