There is a “need to build a relationship of majority and between the majority and the prime minister that is a relationship of trust.” Trust that is gone today, because the premier has wasted that trust he had, at least with a part of the majority, ours, but not only with us. We are saying things that all the other majority partners think ”. Thus, invited in Agenda on Sky TG24, the president of Italy Viva Ettore Rosato.
“Even the ministers of the M5S – he explained – did not appreciate that the premier, at 2 am, sent a distribution of 210 billion without having spoken with anyone. Divide 210 billion, distribute it by priorities, securing the underlying documents, projects. He thought that at 9 o’clock in the morning the Council of Ministers would have to approve it, together with a norm that commissioned the public administration, replacing the public administration with an army of consultants ”. “All this has lowered trust between us and the prime minister. All of this is either resolved by the prime minister, very clearly, stating his way forward in the near future, or it is clear that this government is a finished experience for us. The resignations of the Renzi ministers are not ready, the ministers have them ready. They are the ones who resign, it is not Renzi who makes them resign ”, he concluded.