
CONEGLIAN – Long traffic queues and inconveniences. via Manin in Conegliano. The reason? HE coronavirus swabs, which take place in the Ulss 2 socio-sanitary district on via Galvani, a road that leads directly into via Manin.
The long queue of cars waiting for tests creates traffic problems, which this morning was literally paralyzed. The resumption of schools and a rainy day like today have created a terrible mix for the traffic on Via Manin: the disturbing situation began on August 15, but it is getting worse in recent weeks.
The queue, this morning, even left Sarano. “We have adopted some measures, with the posters,” explains local police commander Claudio Mallamace. But you cannot do more than that. “” Let’s see if a different solution can be found with Ulss, because this is not sustainable, “added the commander.
Photo from the Facebook group “Conegliano Forever”