Antonio Montaquila, a 37-year-old carabinieri marshal of service at the Arma station in Formicola (Caserta), was beaten and killed. The man was jogging and died instantly. The Traffic Police, which are investigating the incident, detained the driver of the car, a 21-year-old local who tested positive for drug use, overnight. From the first checks carried out, it seems that the young man has lost control of the car, which was going at high speed, ending up on the sidewalk, where the 37-year-old carabiniere was driving at that time. Montaquila leaves behind his 44-year-old wife and a 6-year-old son; he had recently been transferred by the Capua Company to the Formicola station, where he was to play the role of deputy commander. Great excitement between colleagues; Montaquila, originally from Vairano Patenora (Caserta), is remembered as a serious professional dedicated to his work, who was loved and respected by all.
Carabiniere killed in Rome, Elder Finnegan tearfully apologizes to the Cerciello family: “I’m sorry”
Cerciello, the widow one year after his death: “Mario a hero, don’t tarnish his memory”