A ray of light in the Sky Sport study: “The clash is not between Napoli and Juve, it is between soccer and other state powers”

At around 10:30 pm, a ray of light illuminates Sky Sport, which in the meantime has passed under the direction of Fabio Caressa. After a long broadcast that we couldn’t fully watch, we had to change the channel in a moment.
Then, suddenly, Paolo Condò appears. Which reminds us of Adolfo Celi from “Horse fever”, the judge. And he begins by saying that: “It is not true that the Minister of Sports Spadafora agrees with everyone, Minister Spadafora agreed with the ASL.” It was Piccinini on Sky who said, wrongly, that Spadafora had agreed with everyone. The Deputy Minister of Health Sileri also reiterated this in La7.
Condò said: «Today the fool has seen a clash between Naples and Juventus, the wise man watches a clash in the world of football and the Italian government and also the ASL. Between the power of football and the power of health that is delegated to the Regions ».
Condò recalled that the protocol was launched at a time when infections were on the decline. Now the situation is completely different. As Massimo Ugolini recalled and as the Asl recalled in its information to Naples, underlining the current contagion situation in Campania. Campania, which still has a disturbing history of Covid-19 infections today.
There is no cognitive, non-punitive, careful and serious investigation of what happened in Genoa.