Comparison State-Regions, the Azzolina line passes: without generalized measures, but specific interventions, city by city



A new government-Regions debate is underway on measures to contain the Covid epidemic: the Minister for Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, has convened a summit with the Regions, Anci and Upi.

The meeting is also attended by the Minister of the University, Gaetano Manfredi and the emergency commissioner, Domenico Arcuri, and, through video link, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, the Minister of the School, Lucia Azzolina, the Minister of Transport, Paola De Micheli and the head of civil protection, Angelo Borrelli.

“You cannot think of doing distance education for all the last grades of high school: they have maturity.” The Minister of Education would have highlighted this, as has been learned, speaking with the Regions and local authorities. The minister would open up to more distance education where there are critical problems.

“School in presence is essential for everyone, from the youngest to the last year of second grade”, adds.

On the differentiation of schedules, the Regions ask the Government to organize adjustments for secondary schools. Therefore, the line of the Ministry of Education goes: not generalized measures, but focused interventions, territory by territory, and in agreement with school leaders and families.

The minister then asked that to resolve the criticalities of transport “Don’t just look at schools and universities. The school “has already contributed to decongesting transportation. Now we also act in other sectors “.

Azzolina reiterates her no to postponement of the extraordinary competition and explains how it will unfold. Contests from other sectors already organized

The Scientific Technical Committee: “No to distance education, yes to staggered school admissions”

