
Help for the rain? No, a flood. An avalanche of money for each category, for each corner of the country, for each type of business and for families to get out of the coronavirus emergency. The move announced yesterday by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte With the decree “Relaunch” it has had a very long and complicated management, but it is enormous: it is worth 55 billion distributed in 250 articles equivalent to two or three financial ones. The number of measurements on the dl is so great that last night Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the Brothers of Italy preferred to scratch himself resorting to irony: “Conte should only tell us when the money will come.”
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After days of confrontation / confrontation, the prime minister appeared on television at 8:30 p.m. Stefano Patuanelli, Minister of Development (M5S); Teresa Bellanova Minister of Agriculture (Renziana) and Roberto Speranza, Minister of Health (Leu). Conte explained the meaning of the maxi-operation as follows: “There is a country in great difficulty, and first we hear the suffering of the Italians. However, the maneuver contains preconditions for a prospect of economic and social recovery to materialize.”
Reactivation decree, all measures: faster dismissals, Irap stop and vacation bonus
The Minister of the Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, echoed, who faced the measures. “Firstly, we support families and companies, Gualtieri summarized, but then we laid the foundations for a restart.” And also the Minister of Development, Stefano Patuanelli, has sent a clear message to companies: “We must reestablish the relationship of trust between the government and businessmen.” Bellanova, a former trade unionist, amusedly presented the amnesty for illegal workers saying that “the invisible are now less invisible.” And Hope has announced an additional $ 3.2 billion in public health investments to prepare it for a second wave of epidemic.
On a technical level, the very long menu of the maneuver can be summarized as follows: almost 26 billion for employees and self-employed workers in the form of layoffs, which will also be anticipated by INPS for 40% of the amount, and subsidies different. And 16 billion to companies, with money to pay small businesses of less than 5 million in annual turnover and the Irap and Imu cut for large companies and hotels. The other 13 billion go to a thousand flows, some of which are small like launching funds for the disabled and others ambitious, like hiring 4,000 researchers. The press conference served both Conte and his ministers to get their heads out of the emergency. The three government officials spoke the word “reform” for the first time in months.
Referring to the tax collector. The concepts that the three have launched are two. First: after this colossal combination of letters, a tax reform will have to be launched. Second: the state does not intend to nationalize big business, but it does intend to steer the economy towards sustainability by protecting Italian strategic interests. Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will have 50 billion to invest in this framework.
And Conte took advantage of this to clearly say that, in view of the summer, Italy will avoid agreements for tourist flows between individual European states, while it is in favor of valid rules for the opening of trips throughout Europe.
Finally, Conte defended the amnesty, denying that it could affect more than 500,000 people and used phrases of solidarity for the recently released coworker Silvia Romano. The last message is important for democratic balances: the government will administer the new rules of the end of the epidemic with a decree (which Parliament can modify) and no longer with DCPM
Last update: 06:39