BELLUNO – It was signed today by the Director of the Prevention Department of USL 1 Dolomiti, Sandro Cinquetti, after a discussion with the regional Prevention Department, the proposal of an ad hoc union ordinance with preventive measures to stop the Comelico outbreak, which sees half of Belluno’s positives concentrated in three municipalities. The new rules apply to the municipalities of Santo Stefano di Cadore, with 24 positives, San Pietro di Cadore, 34 infections, and Comelico Superiore with 12 cases.
The contingent and urgent provisional order to be adopted by the mayors establishes that for 15 days the inhabitants have the obligation to wear the mask outside the home, therefore also outdoors, except for children and those who practice individual sports closing of shops and public places at 10pm.
The incidence of positivity in which municipalities, compared to the population, is 1.11% per month and has created alarm. Also in these areas there are 2 closed kindergartens and a class of quarantined primary school workers.
Last update: September 30 at 12:07