The real showdown is expected for today. The premier’s lunch Giuseppe Conte You seriously risk being indigestible. At 1 pm, the Italia Viva delegation will meet at Palazzo Chigi to try to find a common framework and check whether or not the conditions exist to move forward. Giallorossi’s experience may already have reached the end of the line and could well be recognized today. The round of talks to verify the government will be closed at 7:00 p.m. by Liberi e equuali, who will meet with the Prime Minister with who knows in what mood. The Renzians certainly do not intend to give up and bow their heads Recovery Fund: They continue to veto the control room for project management, proposing instead a “reinforced” mission unit with the participation of all the political forces of the majority and Parliament.
Yesterday the lawyer met with the Movimento 5 Stelle and the Democratic Party who essentially reiterated (in front of the cameras) what was easily predictable: the executive must go ahead without doing anything. remodeling. However, it remains to be seen whether Italia Viva will have the same position after the summit with the prime minister. The Count himself is convinced that he made the right moves to stop the offensive Matteo renzi, which actually ensured an all-out battle for his men. Meanwhile, the head of the Giallorossi managed to convince M5S and Pd: greater collegiality in the elections, especially in the Recovery Plan. “It is certainly not I who thinks reorganization is necessary. Are the parties that wanted clarification“is the reasoning of the Prime Minister. But the founder of IV does not want to fall into trap: “The problem is not changing some parts. Does Conte think he has the best team in the world? Okay. We have raised specific issues“.
L’ultimatum de Conte
The doubts refer to the working group of six super-managers who will be entrusted with the technical supervision of the execution of the projects. It is feared that in this way the functions and role of the state could be undermined. That is why today Renzi will firmly reiterate Iv’s no to the army of technicians. He continues to trust his team that aims to from Conte a clarification on how he intends to move forward: “And it must do it in Parliament“. The former secretary of the Democratic Party, reports The Republic, don’t miss a behind-the-scenes outburst: “Who thinks that I give up, maybe with him threat elections or exploiting the pandemic emergency, I did not understand anything. I am responsible, but we have to change, in terms of substance and method.“. Translated: I’m ready to disconnect.
And it could very well do so before the end of the year. Yes, because there is already a date circled in red: Monday, December 28. That day Renzi was able to get up from his post in the hall of Palazzo Madama and make everything collapse. Accusing the prime minister and decreeing the closure of “a season politics“to request the opening of a new one. On the other hand, it should be remembered, the system in Italy establishes that the President of the Republic must verify whether in Parliament the numbers exist to start a new government. “And if they are found, it is done. Otherwise, it goes to vote. But those numbers are there“, assured the leader of Italia Viva in a recent interview. He is convinced that a new majority in Parliament can be created without returning to the vote.