Rome, September 9, 2020 – “While Willy was on the ground, they kept kicking and punching so he couldn’t get back up”. This is one of the phrases present in the ordinance of 14 pages of the Gip of Velletri Giuseppe Boccarrato that validated the arrests for the murder of Willy Monteiro Duarte. The sentence is part of the account provided by one of the witnesses to the beating that led to Willy’s death. “There is no doubt that the useless reasons in the present case, in reality, are substantiated at least for the Bianchi brothers, in the absence of any plausible reason for the attack,” writes Gip Boccardi in the order. An attack “carried out against a person who, according to Belleggia himself, had nothing to do with it and was suddenly violently beaten just because he found himself in the crowd created around Belleggia and Zurma.”
Francesco Belleggia got the house arrest because, while the aggression of the Bianchi brothers Tail and with his friend Emanuele Cenciarelli, he was involved in a verbal confrontation “that at first he had tried to avoid, apologizing for the other’s act.”
As reconstructed, the Bianchi brothers, PIncarelli and another person arrived at the place called by a friend, because a strong dispute had arisen between some friends of Willy and Francesco Belleggia. It was a thanks to some of the girls in the Colleferro group for the boys in the Artena group that led to the brawl. The brothers Bianchi and Pincarelli arrive at a fight sedated but, as Belleggia himself testifies, they get out of the truck and begin to “savagely beat” anyone within range, and then rage at Willy. “We walked back to the car, we parked in Long Oberdan when we hear some young people argue violently – it is the memory of the witness. Tail he turned and recognized in one of the protagonists a friend of his, Federico. He approached and I, seeing the seriousness of the discussion, dissuaded him from intervening. He heard me and we walked towards the car without realizing that we were being chased. In a few minutes four young people surrounded us who attacked us with unprecedented ferocity. “
“I tried make shield with my body to Willy who was on the ground. My protective instincts made me throw myself on Willy to try to protect him from the blows he was taking by yelling at the attackers that Willy and I had nothing to do with what had possibly happened before. All my requests ended in such a vacuum that I myself was beaten. For twenty minutes we were attacked. Then they left. Willy was on the ground unconscious and did not speak. While I was on the ground they kept kicking and he hits Willy so badly that he can’t get up again. “
“I saw ‘a ball’ coming a high powered car. Upon exiting the car, the attackers immediately attacked Willy, who was on the side of the car closest to the one mentioned, without making threats or any kind of word. The four attackers were enraged at him, kicking and punching him. Among Willy’s attackers, I’m sure Bianchi Brothers me Pincarelli“added the witness cited in the judge’s order.” Among the attackers was one fourth person who had his arm in a cast and who got off the SUV with the others. “
The attackers
“Between attackers I’m sure they were the brothers Gabriele and Marco Bianchi by Artena that I know from having seen them other times in the past and also through social networks and Mario pincarelli I know it for the same reasons. “So says a witness in the warrant.” Among the aggressors -the witness continues- there was also a fourth person, a boy I don’t know his name but I remember him he had an arm in a cast and who also got out of the Audi SUV … The fifth person I saw who was certainly present at the scene during the attack was Matteo bucci, a person who I also know well for having also played soccer in the past for opposing teams. As for him, I don’t know if he got out of the truck with the other 4, I don’t even know if he participated in the attack, instead I can say with certainty that he tried to calm one of the Bianchi brothers. I even remember that he grabbed him from behind to try to block him. “
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