
Already four young people arrested by the carabinieri for the murder of Willy monteiro, the 21-year-old man of Cape Verdean origin beaten to death at night in Colleferro, 50 kilometers from Rome.
The aggravating circumstance of racial motives is also evaluated: they are young people between 22 and 26 years old from Artena. From the first Willy she would have been punished with kicks and punches for defending a friend earlier. The young man allegedly defended a colleague shortly before during a fight, perhaps over a girl, with one of the four detainees. dividing them. After a few minutes the victim was allegedly joined by the four who hit him: the effects of a kick were terrible, according to the first findings of the coroner and awaiting the autopsy already ordered. Two other young men of the same age who intervened were reportedly injured and it was judged curable in 10 days.
Assassination in Colleferro
The four, who had driven away after the attack on a large-engine car, were arrested shortly after by the Carabinieri from the Colleferro company in the center of Artena. All with a police record, they are accused of competing with intentional homicide. They were reached in a few minutes thanks to the knowledge of the territory, in particular the commander of the Colleferro Station who immediately arrived at the scene of the beating.
Tomorrow the city of mourning will be proclaimed in Colleferro and Paliano. “Upset and despair. This is how our city feels at this moment for the loss of our Willy: a splendid boy who found himself in the wrong place, at the wrong time – we read on the Facebook page of the Municipality of Paliano, where the boy lived. The City of Paliano tightens around the family and shares their immense pain. As a sign of mourning, all the Sports Weekend events scheduled for today are canceled. Meanwhile, the mayor of Paliano Domenico Alfieri with the mayor of Colleferro Pierluigi Sanna and Artena Felicetto Angelini will lay flowers tonight at the scene of the attack.
The reactions
«What happened last night in Colleferro is unacceptable. This horrible episode envelops us and at the same time upsets us. The mayor of Artena writes it in a post on Facebook, Felicetto Angelini. “Those responsible for this terrible event would be our young fellow citizens. This runs the risk of casting a shadow of infamy and shame for all of us. This would not be nice. The truth is that this episode could have happened anywhere in Italy. Unfortunately it happened to us. Artena has many problems but she has a healthy body. Willy’s intolerable death should make us question what cultural and social values we transmit to our children. This tragedy affects, above all, Willy’s family, to whom goes the big hug and the deepest condolences of all Artena, but it also affects Paliano, Colleferro and our city. Tonight together with the mayors of Paliano and Colleferro we will lay a wreath at the place of the tragic episode. On the day of Willy Artena’s funeral, you will observe City Mourning. I am sure – the post concludes – to interpret the thought of each Artenese ”
You can’t die like this, at 21, with your whole life ahead of you. A thought for Willy Monteiro’s family for this dramatic duel. That the matter be clarified and that the murderers be punished in a harsh and exemplary way. The president of Fratelli d’Italia writes it on Facebook, Giorgia Meloni.
“There can be no plausible reason, if not simply despicable outbreaks of savage and gratuitous violence, that can justify the atrocity of what happened last night in Colleferro, where four young men attacked and beat Willy, a boy of only 21 years old.” Thus, in a note, the president of the Labor Commission of the Lazio Regional Council Eleonora Mattia (P.S). “It is certainly necessary to investigate and put in order the pieces of this history of violence – he adds – but nothing can justify or hold responsible for the inhumanity of those four young people who fought against him to the point of letting him die. Anger, despair, rage and so much pain are the feelings that assail me in the face of so much unprecedented barbarism. All this is unacceptable: Willy represented the best youth, the one who has absorbed well and who knows how to interpret the cultural and social values of civil coexistence and respect for others because he was a decent boy, who studied, worked and also participated in moments of socialities that were organized in their community. To Willy’s family I express my condolences and my deepest closeness. My thoughts also go to the three affected and disturbed communities – concludes Mattia – those of Paliano, Colleferro and Artena and to Willy’s friends who are deprived of their friend in this vile and unforgivable way ».
«I want to express my solidarity with the Municipality of Colleferro and I called Mayor Sanna. This is an absurd murder of a decent boy and a hard worker. A tragedy in Colleferro, which is a city of hard-working and hard-working people and should not be prohibited. I hope that the perpetrators of the heinous murder will be brought to justice. ” This was stated by the Health Councilor of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato.
Last updated: 18:59