The partial data of theparticipation at 19 and they are quite interesting, although it must be taken with a grain of salt, since they are not easily interpretable because after seven years the elections go back to two days. If for the referendum the participation in the whole of Italy is 30.3%, for the regional there is quite a marked difference between north and south Tuscany, which at 7 p.m. is the region with the highest participation: that’s all 35.9% and it is difficult to interpret, it could be a sign of change or a confirmation of the red fort. Similar participation in Veneto (35.5%), where the victory of Luca Zaia is absolutely not in doubt. Above 30% also the data of Market (33%) e Liguria (31.7%), while in the South the participation is much lower: in Puglia is 27.5% while Campania it is 26.3%. Considering that in the last two years these regions, and Campania in the first place, have always been areas of strength for the M5s, the participation data could be affected by the many disappointed grillini who stayed at home.