October 11, 2020
ore 9:25
Editorial team 3BMeteo
2 minutes, 24 seconds

LIVE TIME, 8 AM: INTENSIFICATION OF BAD WEATHER IN THE NORTH, SNOW ON THE DOLOMITES – As of yesterday afternoon the Cold front in transit over northern Italy determined a marked worsening of time in Liguria, lower Piedmont, Lombardy central-eastern ed Emilia romagna. Rains me temporary involved in particular the Levant of Liguria, Lunigiana, Cuneese, Alessandrino, Piacentino, Cremonese, Lodigiano, Lower Bergamo, Bresciano and Mantovano with pluviometric contributions mostly included among 10 ei 20 mm. Little or nothing to report inside Turin and Milan, on the brink of unrest. Between night and the first light of dawn, bad weather quickly spread to Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige me Friuli Venezia Giulia, where there are strong thunderstorms, precipitation even in steady state storm and small occasional hailstorms. Accumulations close to or greater than 40-50 mm they are found in the provinces of Verona and Venice, in Alto Vicentino and in the foothills of the Treviso area. TO Trieste the Bora has arrived there 70 km / h. It snows in the central-eastern Alps Starting since 1400-1600 meters.

EVEN WORSE IN THE CENTER, IT RAINS IN ROME AND FLORENCE – Although in a more irregular and localized measure, the rains do not spare even the central regions: in Tuscany rains and electrical storms affect the provinces of Massa-Carrara, Florence and Empoli. It also rains at medium and low Lazio (Rome inclusive) and in a scattered character also in Market me Abruzzo. Time becomes marked deterioration even in Sardinia, where a marked intensification of the Ponente and Mistral winds is expected. The southern regions of Italy are still temporarily on the brink of bad weather, with the exception of a few weak phenomena in western Molise and in the Matese region of Campania.

NEXT HOURS: STILL BAD WEATHER IN TRIVENETO, WORSE IN CENTRAL-SOUTH – During the day the frontal system will gradually evolve towards the southeast. Between afternoon and night showers me temporary premises will still involve Central-Eastern Liguria, Triveneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Market me Abruzzo, and then also extends to Campania, Molise, sectors of the north of Puglia and Basilicata and western Sicily; Conditions of marked atmospheric variability will involve Sardinia and the Northwest regions, where the phenomenology will be scattered, intermittent and irregular. The increasing influx of cold currents for the North Atlantic origin season will result in a marked decrease temperatures starting from the north. In the afternoon snow level down until 1100-1300 meters his Dolomiti me Carnic Alps and around the 1400-1500 meters inNorthern pennines. Twenty tense or sometimes strong Bora in the upper Adriatic, from Speaker me Master him in the south-central Italian basins with storms in the Tyrrhenian Sea and intense storms in the Sardinian Sea.
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