Coast Guard Petty Officer Lost at Sea from Milazzo: Here’s the Reenactment of the Drama


The investigation of Aurelio Visalli, a 41-year-old non-commissioned officer of the Milazzo Coast Guard, lost this morning in the stormy sea of ​​the West, continued until night, in an attempt to save a fifteen-year-old who was left at the mercy of the waves that arrived. up to six meters.

INVESTIGATION. From the helicopter of the state police to the patrol boats of the Port Authority, from the diving team of the firefighters, to the carabinieri, to the Guardia di Finanza. To search for Visalli, a resident of Venetico where he lives with his wife and children, all the police have moved. Hundreds of citizens populated the Riviera di Ponente throughout the afternoon in an attempt to locate the missing soldier at sea from Force 6 and contribute to the investigation. The efforts are mainly concentrated in the Tono ngonia, where the sea normally carries everything in the water along the Tyrrhenian belt. Leaders of the Regional Coast Guard were also on site: from Admiral Giovanni Pettorino, Commander General of the Port Authority Corps, to Rear Admiral Giancarlo Russo, Commander of the Eastern Sicilian Maritime Directorate. Uncontrolled rumors of Visalli’s discovery spread throughout the day, but at this time, they weren’t true.

THE RECONSTRUCTION. Reconstructing history is not easy. The Coast Guard has not released a press release and there is no official version. The two children, one thirteen, the other 15, are caught up in this dramatic story with videos and social interventions, in some cases questionable to say the least. Around noon, the two boys went down to the beach in front of the old Le Cupole nightclub to do somersaults at the water’s edge and perhaps post them on social media, regardless of the stormy sea. However, the waves would have overwhelmed them. The thirteen-year-old man managed not to get carried away by the impetuous force of the breakers and immediately asked for help with the mobile phone he kept in his backpack. The fifteen-year-old, on the other hand, was taken from the sea coast and could not return. At that moment the police, firefighters and the Coast Guard arrive. Among the rescuers, Deputy Chief Aurelio Visalli who, based on a probable reconstruction, was violently hit by a wave and sucked while trying to approach the boy in a life jacket. The fifteen-year-old, clinging to a buoy hundreds of meters from where he was submerged, returned to shore after an hour. He was exhausted, had burns on his body caused by jellyfish stings and a beginning of hypothermia.

PARENTS. Visalli’s relatives also came to Tono and moments of tension were recorded. They complained of having heard about the relative only on television and complained about the slowness of the controls, however, without considering – but we also understand the psychological condition of the moment – that with the sea in those conditions it could only be operated from above with helicopters and aerial vehicles and from the mainland with binoculars. One of them had to turn to the attention of local health workers.

STOP THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN. Tonight all the activities of the Milazzo mayoral candidates who will compete on October 4 and 5 have been suspended. There have been no previously scheduled meetings or meetings.

THE GREATEST FORMIC SOLIDARITY. Outgoing Mayor Giovanni Formica with Councilors Pierpaolo Ruello and Ginevra Schiavon also passed the Tono. “We came to witness the proximity of the city to the family and the captaincy,” he declared. In the tragedy I found it moving how the citizens of Milazzo lined up along the entire Ponente seafront to see this missing person even though the sea conditions were prohibitive. “.

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