Cloud Ancona after the fire in the port, the values ​​of fine particles fall – Chronicle


Ancona, September 16, 2020 – “The cloud over the city it is not toxic even though it is polluting, “explains Governor Luca Ceriscioli to Minister Paola De Micheli on a visit to the port area devastated by flames.” We do not have information on the possible or presumed toxicity of the cloud “, echoes Mayor Valeria Mancinelli:” We do not have news and complete and complete investigations or certain indications of Arpam, Asur and firefighters “.

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However, to have the first reliable data on air sampling, we must wait until Thursday 17, when the team’s response will arrive. ArpaM technicians. The Municipality reports that “some mobile control units are arriving to have more elements in real time”: meanwhile, “the control unit of the Citadel (behind the port) is recording a progressive descent PM1 “values ​​(ie, very fine dust) after the peak occurred around 8 this morning.

“She is back at level 20 compared to the peak of 250 that it had reached -explains Mayor Valeria Mancinelli-. Confirm that the phenomenon “from a ‘physical’ point of view is decreasing and that most of the fire was extinguishedAt this moment, the mayor concludes, “there is an outbreak in the central part of the building. This outbreak continues to produce smoke, but it is a phenomenon in decline and once this outbreak is also extinguished, the smoke will stop ”.

The Port Authority contacted all the concession companies active in the warehouses affected by the fire. “The meeting with all the concessionaires and companies that work there and with the Municipality, the Harbor Master’s Office, the Police, the Firemen, Arpa Marche and the health authorities first wanted to verify the presence of toxic and hazardous materials that are not present – informs the Central Adriatic Sea Port System Authority -. The operators tell us there are no dangerous goods. ”
