Today will remain a day in orange zone, as required by the decree in force until January 15, therefore with stores closed, prohibition of movement between regions, bars and restaurants closed, with the only possibility of take-out or home delivery. Starting tomorrow, and for another five days, something will change: restaurants and bars will reopen until 6 in the afternoon only in the yellow zone, while they will remain closed on weekends like all holidays. Also starting tomorrow, the thresholds to enter the orange or red zone will be lowered, with at least seven to eight regions at risk.
Covid, gyms and swimming pools collapse: “The facilities are adequate but we are not certain”
Will remain the curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. and the obligation to wear the mask outdoors and indoors will be maintained. Prohibited meetings and parties in both public and private places. Until January 15, in the regions that are in the red zone, it will be allowed to move, but only in the municipal term, to a single private home once a day, in the period of time between the 5 and the 22, and within the limits of two people, more than those who live together. The two people can be accompanied by minors under 14 years of age over whom they exercise parental authority and disabled or not self-sufficient people who live together. For municipalities with a population of no more than 5,000 inhabitants, travel within a distance of no more than 30 kilometers from the borders is also allowed, excluding in any case travel to provincial capitals.
New dpcm: change of parameters, “reinforced” yellow zone and narrower risk regions
Therefore, the decree provides for the prohibition of mobility between regions until January 15, subject to travel by
Proven work needs, situations of need and health reasons. The real novelty, however, is linked to article 2 of the decree that regulates the new parameters. In essence, the government has lowered the thresholds that activate the orange or red zone: if a region is in “scenario 2”, therefore, with an Rt of 1 to 1.25, it turns orange; if it is in a “scenario 3” with Rt from 1.25 to 1.50, it turns red. Measures that are applied, says the decree, to one or more regions “in whose territory there is an incidence of infections greater than 50 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.” A last passage, government sources point out, introduced to prevent regions with low viral circulation from ending up in orange due to a single episode of
increase in Rt. The new system of bands will start tomorrow and clearly the openings or closings will be conditioned by the color. Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Sicily and Veneto will already be in the orange band. The follow-up indicates 12 high-risk and 8 moderate-risk regions and autonomous provinces, with 13 regions having an ICU occupancy rate and medical areas above the critical threshold. So next week, if the data gets worse as experts expect, other territories will pass through the orange or red zone. L ‘epidemicAccording to experts, it is “in a delicate phase that seems to herald a new and rapid increase in cases in the coming weeks, if stricter mitigation measures are not defined and rigorously applied.”
Red zone, stricter criteria: from the middle of the month it will be easier to close
Separate speech for the school: the current dpcm foresaw the return of secondary school children from 7 o’clock, but the government had already postponed the deadline to tomorrow and several regions have postponed the deadline even further, some to January 18, some to the 25th and some to the 1st of February. It is not at all excluded, therefore, that the executive decides to intervene in the new dpcm and postpone back to school at least February 1, to prevent each region from decomposing.
However, supermarkets, pharmacies, newsagents and tobacconists will be open, as well as retail stores. You can go to the hairdresser. You can move freely within the municipality of residence between 5 and 22 hours. Always and only outdoors you can do physical activity and sport activity individual. You will always be allowed to return to your residence. Instead, gyms and swimming pools must remain closed. The hypothesis on this front is to link openings and closings to the banding system, with the possibility of allowing training in the yellow regions, even if the CTS will have to speak first.
New Dpcm, red zone: new criteria arrive. Veneto and Emilia take a risk. The government evaluates the extent of the state of emergency
Orange zone in 5 regions in orange as of Monday, January 11, the others in yellow: the complete list and measurements
Covid Italia, the virus continues to run: in 2021 the positivity rate is always above 11%. One infected every 10 tampons
Last updated: 18:16