closure of non-essential shops, curfew node, smart work obligation – Libero Quotidiano


the new dpcm with containment measures against the coronavirus will arrive on monday. And negotiations and battles in the government continue. The hypothesis of a French curfew, with citizens closed at home from 9:00 p.m. to early morning, or 10:00 p.m. in the Italian version, is the main dilemma. Giuseppe Conte it fears the second wave and recognizes the tiredness of the citizens, it does not want a confinement, if anything localized closures.

He also attended the summit on the second night. Alfonso Bonafede me Teresa Bellanova, work started at 2. The curfew, supported by the most demanding ministers, is not shared by Conte: the prime minister looks for other ways to limit the meetings. For example, continue to restrict the hours of bars, clubs and restaurants and the sale of alcohol after a certain time, to counteract the nightlife. IS make smart work mandatory up to 70 percent for the public administration, in order to lighten the local public transport that is proving to have a very high risk of contagion.

Discount on contact sports, at a basic and competitive level, run by fan clubs, with the cessation of training sessions and matches such as football and basketball. A measure that would serve to keep schools open. There is also talk of stopping swimming pools, gyms and clubs, as well as reducing public events and events. And again, the lockout of nonessential shops and arcades.

All agree on the need to keep schools open, although many in The M5s suspect that the regions are promoting distance education “because they didn’t know how to handle transport and tampons.” In high school, the opportunity to study digitally from home is already offered and Lucía Azzolina opposes a generalized measure, as shown by the controversy with Vincenzo De Luca after the decided hardening in Campania.
