To close or not to close? Milan at the crossroads. Region and Municipality, for once in agreement, exclude it. There are no conditions for a new confinement, says Lombard Governor Attilio Fontana, echoed by Mayor Beppe Sala. But for a certain number of experts, even if there are opposing positions, the battle for Milan, at least as far as containing the disease is concerned, has already been lost and it is necessary to take immediate measures to avoid total defeat. Even the prime minister does not exclude the closure a priori: if we respect the rules we have a good chance of facing December with serenity, otherwise there will be a lockdown, warned Conte, who also recalled the possibility of intervening at the local level. The Dpcm makes locks possible.
It is always higher and higher, day after day, as if what had been decided until a moment before had already ended. on Sunday the signing of the Dpcm that sets the new prohibitions – stricter in Milan and Lombardy due to the curfew at 11pm and 100% at a distance – which has already shared the urgent request to close the city and turn it into a red zone. The same goes for Naples. The figures are frightening, scaring even more the situation of hospitals for emergencies and admissions not in intensive care of the positives. To open the dance Walter Ricciardi, adviser to the Minister of Health: In Milan and Naples you can take Covid by entering the bar, the restaurant, taking the bus. Being in close contact with a positive is very easy because the virus circulates a lot. In these areas the necessary blockade, in other areas of the country not. The cry of alarm also comes from Guido Bertolini, head of COVID-19 coordination for Lombard’s Emergency Department departments. With an exponential growth curve in infections, the only thing that can be closed is a national blockade. The situation in emergency rooms is dramatic, not just in Lombardy, but everywhere nationwide. The director of Infectious Diseases of the Sac, Massimo Galli, is also pessimistic and does not rule out the possibility of having to decide in a very short time on a new closure: We may not have to wait. There is another front that instead asks to wait, to see what effects the Dpcm restrictions will produce before taking extreme decisions. We waited 15-20 days to evaluate the effects – says the virologist of the University of Milan, Fabrizio Pregliasco -. A recent study in the Lancet tells us that the first effects of non-pharmacological measures are seen as early as 8 days after their introduction.
the option chosen, at least for now, by the Lombard and Milanese institutions that must mediate between the protection of health and the stability of the social and economic fabric. Fontana was categorical: I exclude that the conditions exist to predict hypotheses of this type, in fact, all our interventions go in the direction of avoiding any type of confinement. In some newspapers the news appeared that a lockdown plan was ready at the governor’s table. Mayor Sala also rules out an immediate shutdown. Even in the worst case, we would have between 10 and 15 days to decide on a possible lock. Certainly, this time, the government will not decide whether to close Milan and Naples. Silvio Brusaferro, president of the ISS, makes it clear that the confinement is an option, but it depends on the Regions.
October 28, 2020 (change October 28, 2020 | 10:32 am)