Closure in Milan, Sala writes to Speranza: “Now it would be wrong” –


The mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, and the one from Naples, Luigi de Magistris, wrote a letter to the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, to ask for clarification on the statements of the consultant of the ministry, Walter Ricciardi, who spoke of a “necessary” closure in the two cities. This morning we spoke with the mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, because yesterday the consultant of the Ministry of Health, Professor Ricciardi, evoked a closure in Naples and Milan – Sala explained in a video on his social networks -. We wrote to the minister to ask either an opinion from your advisor or an opinion from the ministry and, if it were an opinion of the ministry, if it is based on data and information that the ministry has and we don’t.

The mayor then recalled the Milan health data related to the spread of the epidemic and its “weight” in health facilities: “today we have less than 300 intensive care, we had 1,700 last spring, they are growing but we are making sacrifices, let’s see what will pass “referring above all to what was said yesterday during the interview with Milena Gabanelli and that is that in Milan there is still an” observation time “of 10, 15 days before making an” extreme “decision such as a total citizen blockade.

October 28, 2020 (change October 28, 2020 | 12:21)

