
The first squeeze came with the decree approved by the Council of Ministers on October 7: mandatory outdoor masks and indoors in all places except your home. A provisional rule, which in any case should be renewed in a week. Probably along with one new closure, which must appear in the dpcm that the government is preparing to launch on October 15. At the moment it is mandatory to wear a mask outdoors if you are near people who do not live together. The mask should be worn in all enclosed places, except in private homes. Outdoors, it is possible not to use it alone if you are alone or in any case only with people who live nearby. In any case, you must always carry the mask with you. The government has also decided extend the state of emergency until January 31, 2021 and not allow the Regions to enact less restrictive measures than the national ones.
For October 15, new dpcm and new restrictions
A new dpcm should arrive on October 15 and a consistent squeeze. New restrictive measures that seem increasingly necessary for the government, especially after the increase in cases registered yesterday, with almost 3,700 new infections in just 24 hours. The objective, as explained by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, is to avoid a “national blockade“For this, the government continues the confrontation with the Regions, before passing the dpcm. One of the hypotheses on the ground is to close the discos: bars and restaurants could close at 10 p.m. stop nightlife. At the same time, the dpcm could contain a limitation on meetings, including those held in private homes. In addition, the number of participants in events and parties could be reduced: currently the limit is 200 people in indoors and a thousand outdoors, but it could be lowered.
Reject block: we are holding on, we need a sanction
The Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, talk about a “new stage“In an interview with Corriere della Sera. “We must not be afraid – he claims – each of us should feel like the protagonist of this battle“. Boccia recalls how the situation is much less controlled in other countries such as France and the United Kingdom:”The numbers of Italy are still those of a safe country, which must not lower its guard“But the minister warns:”We need to be much more strict. We have been a model in these first six months and we have to be in the next six”.
Boccia tends to rule out a new block, but emphasizes that the use of the mask and the use of the Immuni app are essential. Regarding the response of the health system, the Minister of Regional Affairs trusts: “Between March and April, when we had peaks of 6,500 infections, we also had 4,000 people in intensive care. Now we are much stronger and territorial prevention has also been strengthened. The numbers are largely under control. We have 337 people in intensive care and 6,700 places available, which in case of need can be expanded up to 10,000, because the fans are there. With all the efforts we have made, I hope that we can continue to live with Covid. Even the most troubled countries like France and Spain are experiencing dramatic and costly but limited blockades. The crux is the rigidity of the health system”.
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