ROME Repression is coming. In an emergency summit, a kind of war cabinet against the second wave of the epidemic that yesterday caused new infections to skyrocket to 5,724 (352 more than on Friday, with 29 deaths) Giuseppe Conte and the heads of the red-yellow delegation Dario Franceschini, Roberto Speranza, Alfonso Bonafede and Teresa Bellanova have begun to analyze, together with the Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia, the new measures to try to counteract the spread of the virus.
The meeting, which lasted more than three hours, while the dramatic data of the epidemic rained down on the Palazzo Chigi, was inaugurated by the Minister of Health Speranza – who has always been the standard-bearer of the line of “maximum precaution” – who illustrated the trend of infections, the level reached by the Rt transmissibility index (1.06), the resilience of the health system: good for now. And the (thorny) knot of tracking down the “positives” was addressed.
Above 3,500 infections a day, it is now difficult, given the amount of work that falls on local offices, to identify and sample all the people who came into contact with people who tested positive. Especially since the Immuni app is not yet “widespread enough” (despite the increase in recent days). Hence the risk that the epidemic will spiral out of control. And from here also a long discussion on how to entrust the performance of swabs and rapid tests to general practitioners and pediatricians. “The territorial offices are now collapsing,” it was noted.
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The second wave of the has officially arrived. In 24 hours the number of new positives jumped to 5,372 (28 deaths), as in the times of the hardest confinement. Almost a thousand more than Thursday.
In particular, the new restrictive measures were discussed at the summit. The extension of the obligation of the mask outdoors and in the offices does not seem to be enough, in fact, to contain the spread of the virus: for the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health there are “significant signs of strong criticality”.
The intervention hypotheses analyzed in the Palazzo Chigi, with Franceschini and Speranza as standard bearers of “maximum caution”, also worry families. In fact, during the summit, the Minister of Health recalled that 75% of infections occur within the home. Therefore, a ban on private parties should be established and a maximum limit of 20-30 guests will be introduced (but not decided) for weddings, baptisms, communions, confirmations.
Along the lines of “prohibited gatherings”, the government should ban public events such as demonstrations, fairs, markets and gatherings in parks and in front of schools, offices and public places. It is also envisaged “the limitation of the participation of the public in sporting events as well as shows open to the public” with the reduction to half of the current limits of 1000 participants outdoors and 200 indoors. We are also moving towards the reduction of spectators in cinemas, theaters, concert halls with “the greatest care for distances”.
The government is also oriented to establish a limit of 6 people seated at the same table in restaurants and introduce the obligation to consume food and beverages exclusively seated. To stop the nightlife, it is also forbidden (from 9:00 p.m.) to drink and be outside bars, pubs and restaurants, which will close early: at 24, instead of at 22 or 23 as originally planned. During the meeting there was a long discussion on this point: Conte and Bellanova, concerned about the economic repercussions in a sector already seriously affected by Covid, would have wanted to avoid early closings, establishing only the prohibition to stand in front of the premises. But Speranza and Franceschini kept the point.
Other pressures will affect office work: smart work will be “strongly recommended” to reduce the chances of contagion and overcrowding on buses and the subway. And, as suggested by the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS), municipal and provincial closures will be foreseen when the Rt index guard level is exceeded.
During the summit, the risk of contagion produced by amateur sports was analyzed. “No masks or spaces are used, it is a system failure,” said one participant. So in the end it was decided to explore the hypothesis of limiting or completely blocking amateur “contact” sports, such as soccer, futsal, basketball, volleyball, judo, and so on.
Among the measures taken into consideration is the closure of a school, with the transition to distance education, when a certain number of infections is exceeded in that school (the figure has not been decided). And the reduction of the quarantine period to 10 days. But the discussion will be deepened today by Speranza with the Scientific Technical Committee (Cts).
The repression will begin between Tuesday and Wednesday. Before the launch of the new Dpcm by the Council of Ministers, Speranza will see the CTS today and then on Monday Boccia will convene the State-Regions Conference to share the measures. “And this will allow us”, reports a minister, “to evaluate the evolution of the epidemic and the consequent measures until the last working day.”
“These measures”, it was agreed during the summit, “are the last step before taking radical decisions.” If the situation continues to worsen, the government will, in fact, go back to the May reopening in reverse. Then, the first to open were shops, followed by bars and restaurants, hairdressers and beauty centers. Then it was the turn of the gyms, sports centers and swimming pools. Finally, the green light for cinemas and theaters arrived. In this case, the closures would be produced the other way around, starting, in fact, from meeting places such as cinemas and theaters and continuing with gyms, sports centers, etc. The government, repeated yesterday afternoon, remains convinced that “everything possible must be done” to avoid blocking productive activities (as happened in the hardest phase of the confinement between March and early May) and closing schools again. .
Last updated: 22:35