Closing on Christmas, two leaders announce closings. Find the differences – Time


Two political leaders announce the emergency shutdown for Christmas holidays. The first speaks with a voice broken by tears, admits that the measures he had taken did not work as he thought. Apologize, report the death toll that “is unacceptable.” I was wrong, but lives have to be saved. It announces the closings for the Christmas period, and ensures that anyone who is closed will be compensated for 75% of what they had lost. Until now with a maximum limit of 200 thousand euros, starting tomorrow at 500 thousand euros. He also made another choice: heavy fines and even a criminal offense for those who sell or buy barrels, rockets and fireworks: “We cannot afford emergency rooms full of wounded that night in these conditions.”

The second leader also talks to the country. He says the measures taken have been a success: he is bending the virus curve. He did nothing wrong. But you have to close everything anyway. Because its people cannot claim the same successes: “I am outraged by the meetings that are seen in the commercial streets. You are irresponsible ”. Not a word about compensation: “We have already restored you.” Not a word about fireworks, rockets, and barrels. None of the dead, who has never mentioned since the beginning of the pandemic so as not to appear pessimistic and lose a few commas in the polls. There is a wonderful leader and a country of idiots to take the reins. The first leader is Angela Merkel. The second Giuseppe Conte. Find the differences.

of Franco Bechis
