Published on: 12/15/2020 6:58 PM
Strengthen measures and increase controls for Christmas to avoid gatherings that could lead to a new increase in the coronavirus infection curve. This is the indication that the CTS sent to the government after a long meeting that began yesterday afternoon and resumed late in the morning today. The experts’ concern is to ensure that scenes like those experienced last weekend in the shopping streets of the main Italian cities are not repeated. “The rules already exist and are those of the Dpcm of December 3,” explained the Scientific Technical Committee, “you just have to modulate them in the correct way.”
According to Adnkronos Salute, “a squeeze of movements and bars and / or restaurantsWhich the CTS suggests in particular after today’s heated meeting. The CTS is moving towards a “greater rigor” for the Christmas holidays, with “more controls, absolute prohibition of meetings and the maximum precautions everywhere”. toughen, according to experts, the measures provided for the red and orange areas. There is still no report and the recommendations will have to be confirmed, but the death toll today, as is known, “has shocked the members of the committee.”
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