
the COVID-19 stop it science. The government, on the day that the sad story of the dead exceeds the psychological threshold of 50 thousand victims, responds more than to the Northern Regions. A “no” to the white week motivated by the belief that unnecessary travel, crowds by cable car and cable car, crowded hotels, especially migrations from central and southern Italy, in a nation transformed at Christmas presumably in the yellow zone. – towards the ski resorts, they can become “a formidable contagion opportunity”.

And since, as Giuseppe Conte says, “we cannot afford holidays in the snow, because everything that revolves around it is uncontrollable”, goodbye to the white weeks. For now. Starting in January, if the dreaded third wave of the epidemic does not arrive, we will talk about it again.
Screw turn in sight also for Christmas, with “ad hoc measures”. Despite the fact that most of Italy will probably be in the yellow zone around the holidays, Conte has decided to deal with it by introducing national restrictions. With the Dpcm of December 4, the government should ban from December 23 (if not December 19) movements between regions (perhaps even between municipalities) to avoid dinners and extended family celebrations.

And it should extend the curfew until 9 pm, to make meetings between multiple households impossible. With two possible exceptions: yes to reunions between parents, children, spouses and partners, also to avoid forcing the elderly to a Christmas alone (“but a mask, distance and quick tampons will be essential”). And yes (perhaps) to an exception to the curfew on Christmas Eve to allow him to attend midnight mass.

Even on these two exceptions, however, there is debate in the executive: «If it is true as it is true that 80% of infections occur in the family, it would be absurd to allow family reunification between those who reside in different Municipalities or Regions. The same happens with the massive Christmas mass … »says a minister who advocates a hard line. Explanation: “If we make a mistake this Christmas, in January we will find hundreds of deaths again, the health system collapsing and the economy on its knees.”
Pressure from the governors
The governors of the North, however, do not accept the ban. The economy of skiing at Christmas is worth 30% of the turnover, for about 12 billion and 120 thousand jobs. Thus, the Conference of Regions approved the guidelines “for safe skiing”, in an attempt to pressure the government to say yes in the Dpcm on December 4. The rules: mandatory surgical mask, 50% reduction in attendance in cable cars and gondolas compared to the maximum capacity (it is still 100% for chair lifts), maximum limit of daily skipasses, online purchase of tickets to avoid queues and après ski allowed only with seats. Closed ski lifts in the red zones, on the other hand, for amateur skiers. However, even among governors there is “understanding for the moment.” Luca Zaia, President of Veneto, says: “I have too much respect for the doctors who are in the hospital fighting Covid to start a debate on the Immaculate Conception and if we are going to ski. Christmas on the ski slopes is a different time than this: Covid has taught us that every day has its punishment and anything can happen in 30 days.

But if it is true, as it is true, that in the executive and in the majority there are those who pressure to restart skiing (mainly the minister Federico D’Incà and the leader of the group dem Andrea Marcucci and Italia Viva), the position of Conte and the ministers Roberto Speranza (Health), Francesco Boccia (Regions) and Dario Franceschini (Culture) remain firm in n. Conte says: “We cannot afford indiscriminate holidays in the snow. Even for the ski lifts, the problem of protocol is one thing, but everything that revolves around the holidays in the snow is uncontrollable.
Hard line from the government also at Christmas. «Moving from one region to another during the holidays? Certainly I am strongly opposed to trips like those that took place in summer, “says Boccia who also excludes dinners:” Many Italians will not be there at Christmas. With 600 deaths a day, it is out of the question to talk about it. And Conte, supported by the WHO, interviewed by Lilli Gruber in La7 warns: «Without ad hoc measures with the Christmas period we run the risk of repeating August 15 and we cannot afford it. It is not possible to allow all the social occasions typical of the Christmas season. In short, “extended sociability, which usually accompanies parties with bingo, celebrations, dances” will be prohibited.
Hence the longer curfew and the ban on travel between Regions (with exceptions) even when all of Italy will be yellow. Instead, keep going from December 4 until the opening of stores and shopping centers until 10 pm (even on weekends), “but with strong controls to avoid Christmas crowds, even on the street.” The cessation of public and private parties outdoors and indoors is confirmed. And maybe even the closing of bars and restaurants at 6 in the afternoon.
Last update: 10:14