The news is in the air and the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia confirms: «I do not exclude that there may be other regions red zones, again based on data from surveillance“In close risk, we anticipated it two days ago, are Puglia, Liguria and Basilicata. Regarding the possibility of differentiating different areas within the same regions, Boccia reiterated as premier that it is a possibility” that already exists. ” it is expected that there may be a differentiation – the minister explained to ‘Today is another day’ on Rai 1. -Those regions that have turned red, in the week of attention can and will relax the measures in some provinces “.
ALSO READ Red zone, confrontation between the government and the regions in 21 parameters: that is the risk
“For now the parameters do not change”
“Until December 3 the change of parameters is not discussed – says Boccia, reiterating what was already announced by Minister Speranza – There is a Dpcm in force until that date and the ongoing discussion (with the Regions, ed) will be useful to take more decisions facing the next Dpcm. “” Regional presidents – added Boccia – can close and implement restrictive measures and I believe that, if they agree with the Minister of Health, it is the duty of the State to guarantee refreshments for those areas in which the presidents of the Region anticipate legitimate decisions. of the model “.
“A surreal and lunar debate”, Boccia then defined the ongoing discussion about how we will spend Christmas and if we can have the traditional “dinners”. “We must ensure the largest number of people and allow doctors and nurses to do their exceptional work in the best possible way – he adds – we think of them when we take the debate out of dinner.”
Last updated: 16:54