New Dpcm Arriving from Conte government and new measures that will also and especially affect the school.
Dpcm Conte government, childhood and primary school at risk?
According to the economic newspaper ‘Italy today‘, (today’s edition of Tuesday, November 3) Yesterday the majority resolution (6-148) was approved in the Chamber of Deputies requesting the government Guarantee the face-to-face teaching of children in territorial areas that are not particularly at risk. kindergartens, nurseries, elementary schools and lower secondary schools, “while ensuring periodic examinations and rapid samples for school personnel and students.”
However, it remains to be considered that even middle and elementary schools could switch to distance learning, if the contagion curve were to spiral out of control. The resolution was presented by the group leaders of the majority parties: in particular they are Davide Crippa (M5s), Graziano Delrio (Pd), Maria Elena Boschi (Iv), Federico Fornaro (Leu), Bruno Tabacci (CD, RI, + Europe), Antonio Tasso (Maie) and Renate Gebard (Linguistic minorities).
The Conte government wants to differentiate the territory based on the contagion index
As we told you before, the government will be to differentiate the territory according tocontagion rate He was born in saturation level of the health service. Therefore, when it comes to the continuation of face-to-face lessons for kindergarten, elementary school and lower secondary, much will depend on contagion rates.