“Close, do not open. Merkel did well »- Corriere.it


Immovable, convinced from day one that the virus can only be defeated “by keeping our guard up, without ever losing our attention and without claiming victory too soon.” And now that the government is forced to review the strategy in place and re-weigh the risks and benefits of a national blockade, Roberto Speranza claim the hard line. And hope that Giuseppe Conte and the ministers do not give in to the Christmas movement of affections and the pressures of the economic sectors.
“My position does not change, it has always been crystal clear – recalls the head of Health -. Relaxing containment measures at this point would be a serious mistake. We must close, not open.

Photographs of rampant shopping on the streets of big cities and historic centers shocked him, and as much as he thinks it is “legitimate” for people to go shopping for gifts, he doesn’t really seem to understand: “We absolutely must avoid crowds.” And again, as if he wanted to speak to each and every citizen: “Don’t all go to the same place. When you see that there are places with a lot of people, avoid them, if we do not want them to impose very harsh restrictions on us.

The head of the LEU delegation feels relieved because “the curve is going down and the measures taken are giving results”, but also worried because Covid-19 recall is not what scientists expectedor: “If we stop and give up, the virus curve can go up again.” Also on Monday, during the meeting with the Prime Minister and with the experts of the Scientific Technical Committee, the Minister argued the need to introduce new measures on public holidays, whatever is needed. In this phase, the health of citizens takes precedence over the economy, “becausewithout health there is no economyIt is the thesis that has been repeating for months.

“When everyone told me ‘you have to open it’, I invited caution – Speranza reconstructs -. So, in the last hours, when I saw that Merkel in Germany has decided the total blockade and also London and the Netherlands, I am even more convinced that at this stage it is necessary. keep the bar of rigor high“At this point, everyone in government seems to take for granted a resurgence of Covid-19 from January, but Speranza does not resign:” If we do not want to fall into the third wave we must accept even stricter containment measures.

The ministers warned Conte about the impact that a dramatic third wave could have on the government. But the important thing for Hope at this stage is not so much politics, but people’s lives and the stability of the national health system. Hence the appeals. To the Messenger Service He says that “whether or not there will be the third wave, it will depend on us. And to Tg3 stresses that “the figures are still very significant.” So we still need a lot of caution: “The battle is not won, it takes little to back off and thwart the efforts made in recent weeks.” In short, we must resist. The vaccination campaign in Italy will begin in January but Speranza admits that “the vaccine will not arrive immediately for everyone. Meanwhile, strict measures “are the only way to really try to contain the infection.”

December 15, 2020 (change December 15, 2020 | 08:52)

