Claudio Descalzi confirmed Eni’s helm. Are you sure it couldn’t be done any other way?


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Unless there were last-minute miracles, it turned out as it should in the end. Why change the top management of a company that sees, among other things, its managing director in charge of international corruption in Nigeria and involved in a conflict of interest for business related to your wife?

We will respond: because the accusation has not yet been proven by a process far from being carried out and that the anti-corruption law of the 5-star Movement is here only a principle that should not be applied. But we understood that the M5s were different and that with these infamous accusations, I don’t mean to dismiss the issue immediately, but at least on the first useful occasion. accompany him to the door (and certainly with a clearance to pale). But no

Despite some internal abdominal pain, Claudio Descalzi he remains at the helm of Eni, the Italian fossil energy giant. Decision made by our government that has direct and indirect control through the company’s Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Cdp) with 30.1% of the shares. It will be for his managerial skills, given that the year 2019 closed for Eni with a net profit of 0.15 billion euros, the 96% discount compared to 4.14 billion the previous year.

Appointments, the managers chosen by Renzi and Gentiloni remain on top of Eni, Enel, Leonardo and Poste: only the presidents change. The 5 stars indicate the CEOs of Enav, Mps and Terna
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Appointments, the managers chosen by Renzi and Gentiloni remain on top of Eni, Enel, Leonardo and Poste: only the presidents change. The 5 stars indicate the CEOs of Enav, Mps and Terna

In addition, the 2020-2023 plan recently presented by Eni has been considered. credible and, therefore, in line with the ambitions that the Italian government has put into energy. In fact, it is true, Eni continues to carry out his work as a fossil energy giant and the Italian government supports him first by presenting a Climate Plan (Pniec) in line with Eni’s goals and strategies and then keeping the responsible manager in place. from all of this.

It seems trivial to say that the contrary: it is the government that must dictate the line and indicate the country’s energy strategy, perhaps sustainable, taking as a pretext the fact that we have made commitments in this regard both at community and global level. But in effect, remembering the Pniec approved a few months ago, the circle closes and the accounts return.

Italy, apart from the talk and statements, will continue to use the fossil sources as the main source of energy for its economic and industrial development. The commitments made at the UN or at the European headquarters are fine for the press conference on duty; The next day we are already thinking about other things.

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Eni faces a turning point and for the climate there is no more time: if not now, when?

It will be said that the government is not only the M5 but also the Democratic Party and, therefore, the solution must be negotiated with the ally. Balle! Or rather, it certainly must be negotiated with the government’s ally, but based on the assumption that the M5 was the most voted also because it was distinguished above all by the energetic politics that he intended to continue. No political party has included in its program the objectives that the M5 had set for themselves in terms of energy. And just in energy now there is a giant step backwards.

Are we really sure that it could not have been done otherwise? We are really sure that to propose the renewal of Descalzi it was more important What to deny its principles, then dig in behind the alibi of the other ally of the government? We are sure that it could not have been proposed other name, at least to save face before the electorate?

I think who governs the M5 be afraid, that fear that when you are in the opposition it broadens your heart and gives you the strength to scream while you are in the government, if you really do not believe in the idea that you are carrying out, your knees will shake, unless you have a dirty conscience

For the new Eni meeting, which will be formalized at the shareholders’ meeting on May 13, reference will be made to the list presented by the Ministry of Economic Development that he sees in the two key positions of the company, in addition to Descalzi as CEO renewed, also the name of Lucia Calvosa, for the role of president, absurdly criticized by some newspapers as well as part of the Board of Directors of Done daily.

We know that “each of his own heart measures the others” and we will see if the line followed by Done daily In this regard, Eni will change in the future: the writer is convinced that he does not, and in fact provides more attention and control, so that the new President of Eni will be able to do regarding the powers of the CEO.

In the emergency coronavirus, where many things are changing, and the drop in energy consumption could be considered as a precursor to a new development model with less waste, more efficiency and renewable sources, only one remains unchanged: the slavery of Italian politics in the groups fossil energy pressure. support: never like now
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