A circular has been issued that says: “Allow health prevention aimed at protecting the public health of the entire school community and their families.”
“As of October 2, 2020 and even new indications from the Department of Prevention – Directorate of the Hygiene and Public Health Service of the ASL of Foggia, the suspension of teaching activities in presence for the 3rd year A Informática of the Via Imperiale branch of the ‘Altamura Institute – From Ganar’ . This is so necessary to allow health prevention aimed at protecting the public health of the entire school community and their families ”. This is the content of circular number 26 of the Altamura-Da Vinci institute in Foggia. For students therefore, home-only lessons awaiting news from ASL. The circular does not make any specific reference to the coronavirus, but the name of the proceedings of the document has an unambiguous title: “Covid emergency measure”.
However, this is not the first case in Capitanata of suspended lessons in presence. In Monte Sant’Angelo, in fact, there are three land closed classes: one from the scientific baccalaureate of the “Gian Tommaso Giordani” high school and two from the “Giovanni XXIII” comprehensive institute.