Civil protection at work


The rain continues to fall on Friuli Venezia Giulia, even if the worst seems to have happened. Despite the heavy snowfall that is expected in the next few hours, from today the villages of Forni Avoltri isolated by bad weather will be reconnected through an alternative road network. “The men of the regional civil protection have in fact identified a forest road that starts from Givigliana, a fraction of Rigolato, which can be used by emergency vehicles and residents as soon as the snow removal operations already underway have been completed. Hope is of thus being able to reach isolated areas for tomorrow (today, ed) “, confirmed the deputy governor in charge of civil protection, Riccardo Riccardi.,


Riccardi stressed that “widespread rains and snow make operations undertaken to overcome criticalities caused by overnight landslides more complex. To these problems are added the heavy snowfalls expected from tomorrow (today, ed)Therefore, although Civil Protection is working with maximum commitment, operations could continue throughout the day tomorrow (today, ed) “. Riccardi then commented that”based on data from monitoring the weather situation in Friuli Venezia Giulia, after heavy rains Snowfall is expected in the next few hours from 600 meters above sea level in the alpine zone and more than 800-1000 meters in the pre-alpine zone, but in the more interior mountainous areas there can be snow even at 400 meters. If there is in the mountains then increased risk of avalanches, along the coast there will be a sustained Bora that will fade from tomorrow afternoon“.
