Citizenship income, the alternative for those who have nothing


Many Italians are in conditions of economic hardship on the edge of poverty and with the intention of counteracting these situations in 2019 the Basic income.

We reply to a reader who writes us:

“Is there any possibility of retiring I have 59 years 32 of contributions? For years, job opportunities for me have been nil, I have been unemployed for a long time, what can I do? I am in a desperate situation, my bed is the park benches ”.

Citizenship income, the alternative

Unfortunately, despite being unemployed, your age and the number of years of contributions do not allow youaccess to any form of early retirement. The only possibility of having a pension, if any, is to wait until the age that will allow you to access the retirement (67 years in 2020).

In the meantime, if you have no income, real estate and personal property, you can apply for the citizenship income, the measure introduced by the yellow-green government to fight against the poorness.

Not only that, the income of citizens helps to train, find work and actively participate in society.

To access the income of citizenship it is necessary:

  • send an updated ISEE of less than € 9,360
  • have real estate assets (excluding the first home) of less than 30 thousand euros
  • Have an economic asset of less than 6 thousand euros (this limit, in any case, varies depending on the number of members of the family unit or if there are disabled members in it).

In any case, in the 12 months prior to submitting the application, no member of the family unit should having voluntarily left work.

If you meet the requirements listed above, I recommend that you go to a CAF to apply for a citizenship income in which the amount will vary depending on the composition of the family unit, any rent or mortgage paid.

For those who live alone, in fact, there is the possibility of receiving up to 780 euros per month (If you are in a rented house, otherwise, if you live in your own house, the maximum you can receive per month is 500 euros per month).

“If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us at the email address ask it [email protected]
