Cirio: “In Piedmont 50 schools still without state masks, the Region will take care of it”


“The state has committed to directly providing schools with masks that students must wear to enter. But there are more than 50 schools in Piedmont that have yet to receive them.” Thus the governor of Piedmont, Alberto Cirio, facing the start of the new school year: “Piedmont is ready to face the start of school, the regional machine is ready to respond. This will be the true restart, the true test to pass” . .

“We are on Friday and the schools will reopen on Monday – Cirio stressed – we hope that the supplies arrive on time. We will carefully monitor the supplies and if the masks are missing we will compensate for the lack of the State. But it would not be our competence – he remarked – because our masks should go to the regional health system “.

“On the front of the safe return to school we have spent a lot – said the governor – we have activated 29 school hot spots open from 10.30 to 15 from Monday to Saturday where to carry out the virological examination of children without reservation, and also in the absence of the pediatrician’s indication. The objective is to make the whole mechanism fluid and fast, because it is not certain that in case of symptoms and fever the parents can immediately contact the pediatrician ”.

“I regret that Minister Azzolina said that the government is considering challenging the order. The state has ordered all employers to take their employees’ temperature. We wonder why not do it with schools. In a normal country the state before to oblige others, he is obliged, and the public school is one of the articulations. ”Thus, the president of the Region Alberto Cirio about the controversy over the ordinance, signed on September 9, for the verification of the measurement of fever of the students.

“The Piedmont school regional office,” Cirio adds, “said we don’t trust families. But there are denialist families, who have already told us that they will not measure their children’s temperature because Covid does not exist. One child is enough. sick at school to create enormous damage. They also told us – says the president of Piedmont – that with our elections we were late, but we have been raising the problem since June. And if the state does nothing, we must intervene ”.

“For us – Cirio concludes – letting families measure the temperature of their children before going to school is not enough if there is no effective control. We have asked that every day the families certify that they have measured the children’s fever. and we recommend that schools measure it if they can. And do it anyway if there is no certification. It is not a provocation, it is a form of protection. I don’t think he asked for the moon. “
