cinemas and gyms may reopen


Currently, the government is finalizing the calendar of the new anti-Covid bans, which will begin on January 7. There may be one at the beginning yellow zone in almost all regions. Tomorrow, January 5, the new monitoring of the ISS-Ministry of Health is planned, to establish in which Regions the toughest measures that have been in force during these Christmas holidays could be: special remarks are Veneto, Liguria and Calabria, which will probably remain in the red zone even after January 6, and Lombardy, Puglia and Basilicata, which could instead go into the orange zone. But we will have to wait for the new data to get an accurate picture.

Meanwhile, for next weekend there will surely be an adjustment, as announced in Minister of Health Speranza, after last night’s summit with the Regions: there is talk of a possible orange or red zone for all of Italy on January 9 and 10, with an early curfew at 20, bars and restaurants definitely closed, and a ban on leaving municipality. Shops, in the case of the orange zone, would be open, except for shopping centers, which must be closed on holidays and before holidays. The hair salon will certainly be open. These measures could be contained in a bridging ordinance, which will serve to cover the space between Epiphany, the day the Christmas decree expires, and January 15, the expiration date of the current CPM.

After January 15, the division into three zones could undergo changes, with the possible introduction of a ‘white zone’, where gyms, theaters and cinemas could reopen. After all, Sports Minister Spadafora anticipated this, explaining that by January the gyms could resume their activities.

How would the white zone work

The proposal for a ‘white zone’ was presented by Minister Dario Franceschini, who found support in Justice Minister Bonafede. In regions where the virus circulates less, they could reopen not only places of culture, such as cinemas, theaters, concert halls, museums, but also gyms and swimming pools. While bars and restaurants could reopen without a time limit, naturally in compliance with security measures, such as social distancing, the obligation of a mask and the prohibition of meetings. The white zone could be introduced already in the next dpcm.

The school

It is not yet known if the schools will reopen from the 7th: Minister Speranza’s ordinance ordered the return of face-to-face teaching for 50% of the student population, but some Regions have said they are against it and have asked for it to be postponed back to school. for high school students: these are Veneto, Lazio and Puglia, according to which a reduction of the father would be premature. However, the Prime Minister approves the line of the Minister of Education Azzolina, which encourages the reopening of secondary schools.

The movements

It is possible that movements between Regions will not be authorized, not even between Yellow Regions, and therefore the blockade started since last December 21st will continue even after the Epiphany. For this measure, Corriere della Sera recalls, an ad hoc decree law is needed.

Visits to family and friends

The limit of two people at a time in gatherings at the home of family and friends could also remain in the yellow regions after January 6. Also in this case, as during the Christmas holidays, only one visit per day would be allowed, with children under 14 years in tow, or with non-self-sufficient or disabled people. It will always be necessary to go home before the night curfew arrives at 10 pm.
