What color will Italy have to celebrate Christmas or the New Year? It is not yet known but the images of the last weekend of Christmas shopping have put him on alert – along with the suspicion of uncontrolled family reunions, considered one of the main sources of contagion.
The most credited hypothesis on the government table is that of an Italy in total blockade from December 24 to January 6. This is one of the hypotheses on the government table. The ball, later. that the Scientific Technical Committee, by majority, has openly declared that it does not bear the weight of an election that continues to be political and in the indications, it has passed to the executive who, also divided between rigorists and open-minded, must find the right balance. The certainty, perhaps the only one, is that the Italians will not have to follow the softer rules of the yellow scenario and that the days enclosed in circles, as expected, in red will be those of December 25 and 26 and January 1 .
The most concrete hypothesis is then the one that is decided by a mix: prevacations with measures with an orange criticality index and holidays with maximum criticality risk. A middle ground that should agree to the two souls of the executive. A meeting with the regions is scheduled between tomorrow and Thursday, during which the proposal will be presented and discussed. Which should eventually lead to a new Christmas decree with ad hoc measures for the entire holiday period.
The vote on the motion signed by the Pd-Autonomie asking for the possibility of traveling between municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants on holidays is also expected today in the Senate. Document that did not find the participation of the entire majority and that indeed saw Italy alive presenting one of its own. However, the decision will come within the day: as anticipated the Corriere della Sera Prime Minister Conte brought the heads of delegation together to decide on the Italian Christmas celebrations.