Christmas, this is what you can and cannot do with “red” or “yellow”: dinner with 2 relatives, mass or a trip out of town


The difference is not insignificant. If you pass the hard line, carried out by the most rigorous ministers and requested by many governors, most Italians will have to change their programs for the holidays. If, on the other hand, Prime Minister Conte wins, at least Christmas lunch will be allowed at home with some members of the family.


Christmas, red zone hypothesis in the days before holidays and public holidays from December 24 to January 3

by Tommaso Ciriaco

Christmas in red

Can I get my elderly mother, who lives alone but is self-sufficient, come for lunch on Christmas Day?

If the government declares all of Italy a red zone in the days leading up to holidays and public holidays from December 24 to January 3, it will be possible to leave the house only for reasons of necessity, health or work. Not meeting with family and friends, neither at home nor at home. And therefore, movement from one house to another is not expected. So the elderly father would be forced to stay home alone, you could not go visit him or invite him to your house. But a repeal is being studied to extend the Christmas gatherings to a maximum of two close relatives.

What if the older person is not self-sufficient?

This is one of the cases of necessity. You can always move in to help a person who is not self-sufficient, but only an adult can move in, possibly solely and exclusively with minor children if there is no other parent who can keep them in custody..

So will lonely but self-sufficient elders have to remain isolated for the entire period that the red zone is in effect?

No. Like everyone else, they can only go shopping, go to the pharmacy, for health reasons or to do physical activity, and even go for a walk in the park. But it is forbidden to go out to the house of relatives or friends, unless they are within the study exemption.

If a family has a child who lives in the same city but in another house, can they join him for the holidays?

The same rule applies as for anyone else. It is not allowed to leave the house to visit relatives of any rank or friends. But even a single child could be part of the two close relatives who do not live together admitted to meet relatives.

Can’t even go out to go to mass?

Yes, outings are allowed to participate in religious services at the church closest to home, respecting the fees.

Will it still be possible to spend a few days in the second home with the family unit that lives together?

No. Transfers to second homes are allowed, for the moment, only in the regions in yellow and if they take place before Sunday the 20th, then you will no longer be able to move even if you are always allowed to return to the main residence.

Will you still be able to move home or reunite with your partner?

Yes, it is always allowed as long as the regrouping takes place either in the house of residence of both or in that of the domicile of one of the two or in any case in the house where there are usually two partners who live or work in different cities .

Will those who do not fall into these cases but who have already bought plane or train tickets before the new restrictive measures lose everything?

No. You can still request a full refund. In the case of a train ticket according to article 215 of Decree Law 34/2020, in the case of a plane ticket according to EU regulation 261/2004.

Can we go to the bar or the restaurant? Will the stores stay open?

No, with the red zone, bars and restaurants are completely closed, except those at airports and highways, as well as shops. Only grocery stores would remain open except for holidays, pharmacies, newsstands, bookstores, hardware stores. In the last decree, the regulation of the red zone also left open to barbers and hairdressers.

Can you go out to do sports or do physical activity?

Yes, it is always allowed. Motor activity, therefore simple walks, only near the house. Individual sports activities, jogging or cycling even in the park or within the Municipality.

This is what the red zone provides

The days in yellow or orange

Can I take my elderly mother who lives alone but is self-sufficient to lunch?

Yes, you can move freely within your municipality without any justification. There remains the strong recommendation of the government not to invite people who do not live together and to protect the elderly above all, but everyone is free to invite whoever they want to their home.

If a family has a child who lives in the same city but in another house, can they join him for the holidays?

Yes, in the same way it will be possible to spend the holidays with the closest relatives even if they live in a different house in the same city.

What happens if close relatives live in another municipality in the same region or in another region?

In this case it depends on the color of the area. The restrictions provided by the orange zone require that you cannot leave your municipality and less from your region except for work, health or need reasons. Those in the yellow zone, on the other hand, can move freely but only until 20 or after 7.

Can we organize dinners for Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve?

No. However, the curfew at 10 pm is still in effect and therefore no day will be possible to circulate beyond that time, so any meeting at home must be completed on time.

So it won’t even be possible to go to midnight mass?

There will be no masses at midnight. The CEI has already announced that the celebrations will be brought forward so that the faithful can participate but be at home at 10:00 p.m. and the Pope also anticipated the mass in the Vatican at 7:30 p.m.

Will it be possible to go to second homes?

No, unless you move before Sunday or the second home is within the same municipality where it is located

Will you be able to go to the bar or the restaurant? Will the stores be open?

Bars and restaurants will always be closed in the orange areas, except for take out (before 10 pm) or at home. The stores, on the other hand, will be open but not the shopping centers on weekends. In the yellow zone, bars and restaurants open until 6 pm
